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Intro; Preface; Contents; Abbreviations; Chapter 1: Capability Thinking; 1 Introduction; 2 Business Environment of Digital Enterprises; 2.1 Need for Agility and Flexibility in Enterprises; 2.2 Digital Enterprises; 3 Challenges in Digital Enterprises; 3.1 Stakeholder Groups with Different Priorities; 3.2 Integration of Business and IT Development; 3.3 Context Dependency and Variation of Services; 3.4 Connection of Design and Runtime; 4 Capability Thinking and Capability Management; 4.1 Capability Thinking as Organizational Mindset; 4.2 Key Aspects of Capability Thinking

4.3 Capability Management4.4 Capability-Driven Development (CDD); 4.5 Principles of CDD Method Development; 5 Structure of the Book; References; Part I: Background to Capability Management; Chapter 2: The Notion of Capability in Literature; 1 Introduction; 2 General Characteristics of Capabilities; 3 Capability Types and Dynamic Capabilities; 4 Capabilities in Business and IT Alignment; 5 Outlook: Selected Open Issues; References; Chapter 3: Capability Consideration in Business and Enterprise Architecture Frameworks; 1 Introduction; 2 Background to Approaches Using Capability

3 Business Architecture, OMG3.1 Overview; 3.2 Consideration of Capability; 4 Enterprise Architecture, The Open Group; 4.1 Overview; 4.2 Consideration of Capability; 5 Military Enterprise Architecture Frameworks: NAF, MODAF, and DoDAF; 5.1 Overview; 5.2 Consideration of Capability in the NATO Architecture Framework; 6 Service-Oriented Architecture, OASIS; 6.1 Overview; 6.2 Consideration of Capability; 7 Conclusions; References; Part II: Capability-Driven Development Methodology; Chapter 4: Overview of Capability-Driven Development Methodology; 1 Introduction

2 Conceptual Foundations of the CDD Methodology2.1 Capability Modeling Concepts; 2.2 Modeling Language for CDD; 2.3 Development Layers; 3 Methodology Overview; 3.1 Main Principles; 3.2 Capability Life Cycle; 3.3 Capability Design Process; 3.4 Capability Delivery at Runtime; 3.5 Component-Based Approach; 3.6 CDD Environment; 4 Illustrative Example; 4.1 Design Cycle; 4.2 Capability Delivery; 4.2.1 Single Trip Support; 4.2.2 Organizational Support; 4.3 Feedback Cycle; 5 Concluding Remarks; Appendix: Travel Management Capability Design; References

Chapter 5: Enterprise Modelling: Establishing the Fundament for Capability Management1 Enterprise Modelling as Basis for Capability Management; 2 Enterprise Modelling and Its Perspectives; 3 Enterprise Modelling Process; 4 Overview of Enterprise Modelling Methods; 5 For Enterprise Modelling: 4EM; 6 Summary; References; Chapter 6: Capability Design with CDD; 1 Introduction; 2 Background to Capability Design; 3 Overview of Modeling Strategies; 3.1 General Phases; 3.2 Key Concepts; 3.3 Introduction to Modeling Strategies; 4 Goal-First Capability Design Strategy

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