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Meeting at the edge of fear : theory on a world scale / Raewyn Connell
One planet, many sciences / Sandra Harding
Transition discourses and the politics of relationality : toward designs for the pluriverse / Arturo Escobar
On pluriversality and multipolar world order : decoloniality after decolonization; dewesternization after the Cold War / Walter D. Mignolo
Internationalism and speaking for others : what struggling against neoliberal globalization taught me about epistemology / Aram Ziai
Local aquatic epistemologies among Black communities on Colombia's Pacific coast and the pluriverse / Ulrich Oslender
The griots of West Africa : oral tradition and ancestral knowledge / Issiaka Ouattara
Experimenting with freedom : Gandhi's political epistemology / Manu Samnotra
Development as buen vivir : institutional arrangements and (de)colonial entanglements / Catherine Walsh
Caribbean Europe : out of sight, out of mind? / Manuela Boatcă
How Spinoza and Elias help to decenter our understanding of development : a methodical research proposal on the pluriverse / Hans-Jürgen Burchardt
In quest of indigenous epistemology : some notes on a fourteenth-century Muslim scholar, Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) / Zaid Ahmad
Anekāntavāda : the Jaina epistemology / Venu Mehta
First people of the Americas : lessons on democracy, citizenship, and politics / Bernd Reiter
Iran's path toward Islamic reformism : a study of religious intellectual discourse / Ehsan Kashfi.

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