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Part One.
Introduction: Expansion and Transformation of Islam in the Indian Ocean World.
Muhammad and the Ummah
Islamization and Afro-Asianization
Map: the Indian Ocean world, ca. 1450
Arabia and Muslims beyond the Peninsula
Merchants, law, and custom
Sufis, Ulema, and society
East Africa: Abyssinia and the Swahili coast
South Asia: Delhi, the Deccan, and Malabar
Southeast Asia: Sumatra, Malacca, and Aceh
Part Two.
The Documents
Ibn Battuta, Marco Polo, and Zheng He
1. Ibn Battuta, The Travels of Ibn Battuta, ca. 1350
2. Marco Polo, The Travels of Marco Polo, ca. 1294
3. Zheng He, The Overall Survey of the Ocean's Shores, 1433
Trade, society, and social customs
4. Abd-er-Razzak, Narrative of the Journey of Abd-er-Razzak, 1442
5. Muhammad Ibn Asad Jalal ud-din al-Dawwani, Jalalean Ethics, ca. 1475
6. Ahmad Ibn Majid, Two Selections on Navigation
Book of Useful Information on the Rules of Navigation, 1490
Gathering of the Summarizing of the Concerning the First Principles of the Knowledge of the Seas, 1462
7. Zain al-Din al-Malibari, Gift of the Mujahidin, 1583
8. Tomé Pires, Suma Oriental, 1512-1515
9. Duarte Barbosa, The Book of Duarte Barbosa, ca. 1516
10. Antoine Galland, The Thousand and One Nights, 1717
11. Françoise Bernier, Travels in the Mogul Empire, ca. 1668
Islamic Law, the Qur'an, and Hadith
12. The Azzan, ca. 622
Fakhr ud-din al-Razi, An Encyclopedia of the Sciences, ca. 1175
14. Maulana Burhan ud-din Marghinani, Guidance, ca. 1195
15. Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali, Revival of the Religious Sciences, ca. 1100
16. Abu Amr Uthman, Letter to the Mamluk Sultan of Egypt, ca. 1392
17. Ahmad al-Wansharisi, The Clear Measure, ca. 1485
18. Selections from the Qur'an, ca. 610-632
19. Sahih al-Bukhari, Selections from the Hadith, ca 846.

Muslim Polities and Politics.
20. Chauncy H. Stigand, The Land of Zinj, 1913
21. An Arabic Account of Kilwa Kisiwani, ca. 1520
22. A Journal of the First Voyage of Vasco da Gama, 1497-1499
23. Hans Mary, On the Sack of Kilwa and Mombasa, 1505
24. Gulbadan Begum, The History of Humayun, ca. 1600
25. Pieter van den Broecke, On Malik Ambar, ca. 1610
26. Imperial Edict from Chittagong, Bengal, 1666
Conversion and Religious Practice.
27. Muhammad Ibn Jubayr, The Travels of Ibn Jubayr, 1183
28. Pir Hassan Shah (attrib.), Nizari Isma'ili Qawali Devotional Songs
From His light He Created the Earth, ca. 1450
How Tired are My Eyes, ca. 1625
29. The Chronicles of the Kings of Pasai, ca. 1390
30. Muhammad Mujir Wajib Adib, The Key to Paradise, ca. 1350
31. Shaykh Gisu Daraz, Women's Devotional Songs
Grindstone Song, ca. 1450, Spinning Wheel Song, ca. 1500
32. Mukundaram, Kavikankana Candi, ca. 1590
33. Malay Annals, ca. 1550
34. Abd al-Ra'uf, Essential Exposition and Clarification on the Visionary Experience of the Dying and What Gladdens Him, ca. 1650
Pluralism, Syncretism, and Reaction.
35. Amir Khusraw, Lovers of God, ca. 1300
36. Abd al-Qadir Bada'uni, On Akbar's Tolerance, 1595
37. Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi, Collected Letters, ca. 1600
38. Dara Shikoh, Dara Shikoh, on His Pantheism: The Secret of Unity, ca. 1650, Paradise, ca. 1650
39. Na't, Devotional Poetry: Na't of the Prophet, ca. 1600, In the Garden of the Prophet, ca. 1600
40. Abd ul-Haqq al-Dihlawi al-Bukhari, The Perfection of Faith, ca. 1650
41. Ibn 'Umar Mihrabi, The Indian Proof, ca. 1615
Appendixes. A chronology of Islam in the Indian Ocean world (570-1704) ; Questions for consideration.

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