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Intro; Contents; List of Contributors; Cluster Advantage and Firm Performance: A Shift into the Future!; 1 Introduction; 2 The Effects of Agglomeration on Firms ́Performance: Positive or Negative?; 3 Agglomerations and Firms ́Asymmetric Gains; 4 Agglomerations, Recessions and Turnarounds; References; Part I: Agglomerations and Performance; Effects of Being Located in a Cluster on Economic Actors; 1 Introduction; 2 Effects Inside and Outside Clusters; 2.1 Effects of Clusters on Innovativeness; 2.2 Effects of Clusters on Productivity; 2.3 Effects of Clusters on Employment Growth and Wage Level

2.4 Effects of Clusters on Entrepreneurship, Survival Probability and Growth of Start-Ups2.5 Effects of Clusters on Firms Surviving; 3 Conclusion; References; Pathways of Innovation: The I-District Effect Revisited; 1 Introduction; 2 District Effect and Technological Innovation; 2.1 Industrial Districts; 2.2 District Effect and I-District Effect; 2.3 Innovation in IDs and the Sources of the District Effect; 3 Parametric Modelling of the I-District Effect; 3.1 The Analytical Knowledge Model; 3.2 The Analytic-Synthetic Knowledge Model; 4 Measuring Innovation in Industrial Districts

4.1 A Typology of Local Production Systems4.2 Measurement of Technological Innovation in LPS: The Unweighted Indicator of Innovation; 4.3 Elaboration of the Weighted Innovation Indicator; 4.4 Elaboration of the Model Variables; 4.4.1 The Dependent Variable; 4.4.2 The Explanatory Variables; 5 Results; 6 Conclusions; References; Does Innovation Trigger the Internationalisation of Clusters?: The Case of Polish Boiler-Making Cluster; 1 Introduction; 2 Internationalisation and Clusters; 2.1 Internationalisation of a Cluster as Such; 2.2 Internationalisation of Firms: Active Outward-Looking

2.3 Passive Inward-Looking Internationalisation3 Clusters, Innovation and Outward Internationalisation; 3.1 Clusters and Innovation; 3.2 Innovation and Internationalisation; 4 The Case of the Boiler-Making Cluster in the Region of Wielkopolska in Poland; 4.1 Methodology; 4.2 Location of the Cluster; 4.3 Cluster Core Industry and Cluster Entities; 4.4 Intra-cluster Cooperation as the Prerequisite for Cluster Innovations; 4.5 Innovation as the Trigger of Internationalisation; 5 Conclusions; References; Inward FDI and Skilled Labour Force in Veneto Industrial Districts; 1 Introduction

2 Literature Review2.1 Firm Heterogeneity by Ownership; 2.2 Effects of IFDIs on a Host Countryś Labour Market; 2.3 MNE Location; 2.4 Contribution of IFDIs to Local Industrial Commons; 3 Data and Methodology; 4 Empirical analysis; 4.1 Descriptive Statistics; 4.2 Econometric Analysis; 5 Conclusions; Appendix; References; Part II: Agglomerations and Firms ́Performance; Marshallian Industrial District Evolution: Technological Impacts and Firms ́Heterogeneity; 1 Introduction; 2 Sustaining Knowledge: The Power of Leading Incumbents or TGs

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