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Intro; Preface; Contents; 1 Introduction; Abstract; 1 Background; 1.1 Water Pollution; 1.2 Effects of Water Pollution; 1.3 Water Purification Methods; 1.4 Chapters Summary; 2 Conclusions; References and Future Readings; 2 Water Pollutants Classification and Its Effects on Environment; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Classification of Water Pollutants; 2.1 Organic Pollutants; 2.2 Pathogens; 2.3 Nutrients and Agricultural Runoff; 2.4 Suspended Solids and Sediments; 2.5 Inorganic Pollutants; 2.6 Thermal Pollution; 2.7 Radioactive Pollutants; 2.8 Nanoparticle Pollution

2.8.1 Classification of Nanomaterials2.8.2 Sources of Nanomaterials in Water; 2.8.3 Exposure to Nanoparticles; 2.8.4 Characterization of Nanomaterials; Determination of Nanomaterials Uptake; 2.9 Challenges; 2.10 Conclusions; References and Future Readings; 3 Carbon Nanotubes Synthesis; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Structure of CNTs; 3 CNT Synthesis Methods; 4 Growth Mechanism; 5 Arc Discharge; 5.1 How to Produce SWCNT Using AD?; 5.2 How to Produce MWCNT Using AD?; 6 Laser Ablation; 6.1 How to Produce SWCNT Using LA?; 6.2 How to Produce MWCNT Using LA?; 7 Chemical Vapor Deposition

7.1 Types of CVD7.2 How to Synthesize VACNT; 7.3 Effects of Carbon Feedstock; 7.4 Effects of Catalysts; 7.5 Effects of Substrates; 7.6 Effects of Temperature; 7.7 Effects of Other Parameters; 8 Electrolysis; 9 Hydrothermal/Sono-chemical; 10 Template/Bottom-up Synthesis; 11 Conclusions; 12 Conflict of Interest and Deceleration; References and Future Readings; 4 Adsorption; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 What Is Adsorption and Adsorbent?; 3 What Is Adsorption Isotherm?; 4 CNT Specialties for Pollutant Adsorption?; 5 Multifunctional CNT; 6 Carbon Superadsorbent

7 Is It Possible to Prepare Reusable CNT-Based Adsorbents?8 Factors Affecting Adsorptions; 9 Conclusion; 10 Conflict of Interest and Deceleration; References and Future Readings; 5 Catalysis; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Electronic Properties of CNTs; 3 Photocatalysis; 4 Wet Air Oxidation (WAO) Process; 5 Nanobiohybrid Catalysis; 6 Research Gap; 7 Conclusion; References and Future Readings; 6 Membrane Technology; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Properties of CNT as Water Filter; 3 Functionalization of CNTs; 4 CNT Membrane for Water Purification; 4.1 Vertically Aligned (VA)-CNT Membranes

4.2 Mixed Matrix (MM)-CNT Membranes4.3 Thin-Film Composite (TFC) CNT Membranes; 4.4 Electrochemical CNT Filter; 4.4.1 Working Principle of Electrochemical CNT Filter; 4.4.2 Factors Effecting Electrochemical CNT Filter Efficiency; 4.5 Research Gaps; 5 Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References and Future Readings; 7 Disinfection; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Why CNT Does Is Special for Water Disinfection?; 3 Antibacterial Mechanism of CNTs; 4 Factors Contributing to Antimicrobial Properties; 5 Future Trend; 6 Challenges; 7 Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References and Future Readings

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