Linked e-resources


Assessing significance
Publications and experimentation
Tasks for assessment
Naval power
Power projection
The west and the rest
Outcomes and choices
The American War of Independence
War between the USA and Native Americans
Europe before the French Revolution
The French Revolutionary Wars, 1792-99
The rise of Napoleon
Asian conflicts in the 1780s and 1790s
The rise of Britain
The War of 1812
The Latin American Wars of Independence
Europe after Napoleon
Developments elsewhere
The aims of conflict
The impact of technology
The Taiping Rebellion
The American Civil War
The wars of German unification
Latin America
Western imperialism
American expansion
Naval power
Non-western states
East Asia
1789-1913 in review
Opening campaign
Conflict within Europe
Warfare outside Europe
War at sea
Closing campaign
Post-war conflict
Civil war in China
Elsewhere outside the west
The British Empire in the 1930s
Naval developments
Air power
The Japanese in China, 1931-41
The Spanish Civil War
German rearmament
Opening campaigns, 1939-41
Soviet Union attacked, 1941
War in the Pacific, 1941-42
Axis attacks held, 1942
The Battle of the Atlantic, 1939-45
Beating Germany, 1943-4
D-Day, 1944
Defeating Germany, 1944-5
Defeating Japan, 1943-5
Air power, 1939-45
War and society
Why the axis lost
The late 1940s
The Malayan emergency
France in Indo-China
France in Algeria
Britain and decolonisation
Portugal and decolonisation
Elsewhere in Africa
The Chinese Civil War
The Korean War
The Vietnam War
Confrontation in Europe
Planning for Armageddon
The Afghan War
The Cold War at sea
The last stages of the Cold War
Border wars
Intervention wars
South Asia
The Middle East
Arab-Israeli wars
Force and the state
American operations
Somalia and Haiti
The former Soviet Union
Former Kosovo
Third world conflict
The war on terrorism
The revolution in military affairs
Attempted revolutions in military affairs
War in Iraq
War in Afghanistan
War and disorder
The west versus the rest
Fitness for purpose
Cultural interpretations
Paradigm powers.

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