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Organometallic chemistry of B12 coenzymes
Cobalamin- and corrinoid-dependent enzymes
Nickel-alkyl bond formation in the active site of methyl-coenzyme M reductase
Nickel-carbon bonds in acetyl-coenzyme a synthases/carbon monoxide dehydrogenases
Structure and function of [NiFe]-hydro-genases
Carbon monoxide and cyanide ligands in the active site of [FeFe]-hydrogenases
Carbon monoxide as intrinsic ligand to iron in the active site of [Fe]-hydrogenase
Dual role of heme as cofactor and substrate in the biosynthesis of carbon monoxide
Copper-carbon bonds in mechanistic and structural probing of proteins as well as in situations where copper is a catalytic or receptor site
Interaction of cyanide with enzymes containing vanadium, manganese, non-heme iron, and zinc
Reaction mechanism of the molybdenum hydroxylase xanthine oxidoreductase: evidence against the formation of intermediates having metal-carbon bonds.

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