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Table of Contents
Introduction / Douglas Kellner, Tyson Lewis, and Clayton Pierce
Lecture on education, Brooklyn College, 1968 / Herbert Marcuse
Lecture on higher education and politics, Berkeley, 1975 / Herbert Marcuse
Biopower, play, and experience in education / Tyson Lewis
Thanatos and civilization: Lecan, Marcuse, and the death drive / K. Daniel Cho
For a Marcusian ecopedagogy / Richard Kahn
Moving from critique to hope: critical interventions from Marcuse to Freire / Richard Van Heertum
The dialectic of tolerance and intolerance in the ethics of caring / Tammy A. Shel
Democratic science and technology with Marcuse and Latour / Clayton Pierce
Herbert Marcuse, critical race theory, and multicultural education: transformative educational practices / Dolores Calderón
Critical theory and information studies: a Marcusean infusion / Ajit K. Pyati
Toward a critical legal pedagogy: using Herbert Marcuse to examine and reform legal education / Saru Matambanadzo
Herbert Marcuse and the new culture wars: campus codes, hate speech, and the critique of pure tolerance / Charles Reitz
Herbert Marcuse and the humanities: emancipatory education vs. predatory capitalism / Charles Reitz.
Lecture on education, Brooklyn College, 1968 / Herbert Marcuse
Lecture on higher education and politics, Berkeley, 1975 / Herbert Marcuse
Biopower, play, and experience in education / Tyson Lewis
Thanatos and civilization: Lecan, Marcuse, and the death drive / K. Daniel Cho
For a Marcusian ecopedagogy / Richard Kahn
Moving from critique to hope: critical interventions from Marcuse to Freire / Richard Van Heertum
The dialectic of tolerance and intolerance in the ethics of caring / Tammy A. Shel
Democratic science and technology with Marcuse and Latour / Clayton Pierce
Herbert Marcuse, critical race theory, and multicultural education: transformative educational practices / Dolores Calderón
Critical theory and information studies: a Marcusean infusion / Ajit K. Pyati
Toward a critical legal pedagogy: using Herbert Marcuse to examine and reform legal education / Saru Matambanadzo
Herbert Marcuse and the new culture wars: campus codes, hate speech, and the critique of pure tolerance / Charles Reitz
Herbert Marcuse and the humanities: emancipatory education vs. predatory capitalism / Charles Reitz.