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On Dispersable Book Embeddings
Characterising AT-free Graphs with BFS
Edge Partitions of Optimal 2-plane and 3-plane Graphs
On Minimum Connecting Transition Sets in Graphs
Recognizing Hyperelliptic Graphs in Polynomial Time
On Directed Feedback Vertex Set Parameterized by Treewidth
Optimality Program in Segment and String Graphs
Anagram-Free Chromatic Number is Not Pathwidth-Bounded
Tight Lower Bounds for the Number of st-Cuts
Sub-exponential-Time and FPT Algorithms for Embedded Flat Clustered Planarity
Computing Small Pivot-Minors
Saving Probe Bits by Cube Domination
Graph Amalgamation under Logical Constraints
Optimal General Matchings
Quasimonotone Graphs
Equiangular Polygon Contact Representations
Temporal Graph Classes: A View Through Temporal Separators
Covering A Graph with Nontrivial Vertex-disjoint Paths: Existence and Optimization
On the Relation of Strong Triadic Closure and Cluster Deletion
On Perfect Linegraph Squares
On Weak Isomorphism of Rooted Vertex-Colored Graphs
Connected Vertex Cover for (sP_1+P_5)-Free Graphs
Structurally Parameterized d-Scattered Set
Popular Matchings of Desired Size
Convexity-Increasing Morphs of Planar Graphs
Treedepth Bounds in Linear Colorings
An Improved FPT lgorithm for Independent Feedback Vertex Set
Construction and Local Routing for Angle-Monotone Graphs
Characterization and Recognition of Tree 3-Spanner dmissible Directed Path Graphs of Diameter Three. .

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