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Part I The EEA Integration Process and Free Movement of Services: Patients' and Students' Mobility in Publicly Financed Systems of Healthcare and Education
2 Free Movement of Services and Article 56 TFEU and Article 36 EEA
3 The Provision of Healthcare Services: Free Movement Rights for Patients
4 The Provision of Educational Services: Free Movement Rights for Students
5 Some Reflections on the EEA Integration Process Extending Into Healthcare and Educational Services Publicly Financed and Mostly Delivered Through Benefits in Kind
Part II The EEA Integration Process and Union Citizenship: Social Welfare Rights for Non-economically Active Moving EEA Citizens
6 Free Movement of Persons and Articles 45, 48 and 21 TFEU and Articles 28 and 29 EEA
7 The EU Integration Process and the Right to Free Movement, Residence and Equal Treatment for Union Citizens
^8 Case Law from the EFTA Court and Decisional Practice of the EFTA Surveillance Authority on the Right to Free Movement, Residence and Equal Treatment Under the Citizens Directive
9 Case Law from the EFTA Court and Decisional Practice of the EFTA Surveillance Authority on the Right to Free Movement, Residence and Equal Treatment Under the Coordination Regime for Social Security Benefits
10 Some Reflections on the EEA Integration Process Extending into the System of Social Welfare Benefits for Non-economically Active Moving EEA Citizens
Part III The EEA Integration Process and the Financing of Public Services: Applying State Aid Rules to Welfare Services
11 State Aid Law and Articles 14, 106 and 107 TFEU and Articles 59 and 61 EEA
12 Legal Tools to Protect State Welfare Services from EU/EEA Competition and State Aid Law
13 The Exercise of State Aid Competence by the Commission and the EFTA Surveillance Authority in the Sectors of Largely Non-economic Welfare Services
14 Some Reflections on the EEA Integration Process Extending Deeper Into the Financing of Public Services and Limiting States' Legislative Freedom Through State Aid Rules
15 Final Observations: Concluding Remarks
Table of Case Law

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