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Intro; Introduction; Organization; Hosted by; Jointly Hosted by; Organized by; Jointly Organized by; Chairmen; Executive Chairmen; Secretary-General; Organizing Committee; Contents; Optical Design and Simulation of Spatial Heterodyne Spectroscopy (SHS) for Mesospheric Temperature; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Oxygen Airglow Emission Feature and MEII Requirements; 3 1-D Imaging Spectrometer; 3.1 Field Widened Spatial Heterodyne Interferometry (FW-SHS); 3.2 One-Dimensional Imaging Fore-Optics and Imaging Optics; 4 Inversion Method and Simulation; 5 Conclusion; References

System Design Technology of Visual and Infrared Multispectral SensorAbstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Development Characteristics and Difficulties Analysis; 3 Overall Program; 4 Domestic and International Benchmarking; 5 Advanced Technology Analysis; 5.1 Spectral Range Wide, High Spatial Resolution; 5.2 High Radiometric Calibration Accuracy; 6 Application Direction; References; Multi-component Atmosphere Detection Technology Based on Space-Based Filament Laser; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Filament Laser; 3 The Concept; 4 Study Works; 4.1 Theory and Simulation; 4.2 Experiment; 5 Conclusion

Optimal Design of Dynamic Characteristic of Integrated Design Satellite Structure Based on Transmission Property AnalysisAbstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Transmission Property Analysis; 3 Analysis and Optimization of Influence of Modal Parameter on Transmission Property; 3.1 Influence of Global Mode on Transmission Property; 3.2 Influence of Local Mode on Transmission Property; 4 Optimization of the Dynamic Characteristic; 4.1 Optimization of Frequency Assignment of Whole Satellite; 4.2 Optimization of Transmission Property of Critical Structure; 5 Conclusion; References

Impact Research of Drift of the Local Time of Descending Node on the Imagery of CCD CameraAbstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Survey of Research Process; 3 Solar Altitude Angle Variation; 4 The Length of Imaging Time Available in a Year; 5 Imaging SNR Variation of Camera; 5.1 The Radiance at the Entrance Pupil of Remote Sensor; 5.2 Imaging SNR Analysis of Remote Sensor; 6 Conclusion and Discussion; References; The Design and Application of Temperature Control Loop Heat Pipe for Space CCD Camera; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Descriptions of TCLHP; 3 Design of Thermal Control Components

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