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Table of Contents
How to think about rights in early modern Europe
Early modern rights regimes
When did rights become "rights"?
From the wars of religion to the dawn of enlightenment
From liberalism to liberty: natural rights in the French enlightenment
The laws of nature in neo-stoicism and science
Rights and revolutions
Natural constitutionalism and American rights
From nature to nation: French revolutionary rights
Conclusion: a stand-in for the Universal Declaration: 1789-1948.
Early modern rights regimes
When did rights become "rights"?
From the wars of religion to the dawn of enlightenment
From liberalism to liberty: natural rights in the French enlightenment
The laws of nature in neo-stoicism and science
Rights and revolutions
Natural constitutionalism and American rights
From nature to nation: French revolutionary rights
Conclusion: a stand-in for the Universal Declaration: 1789-1948.