Table of Contents
Unit 1. Basic theories of learning and education
Issue: Can psychological science improve the quality of education?
Yes: from "The contribution of psychology to education" / Edward L. Thorndike (1910)
No: from "Education as engineering" / John Dewey (1922)
Issue: Should studies be free?
Yes: from "Difficulties and opportunities: the challenge of present-day teaching" / Carl Rogers (1969)
No: from "A technology of behavior" / B.F. Skinner (1971)
Issue: Are constructivist teaching methods superior to traditional methods of teaching?
Yes: from "Content and process in constructivist teacher education" / Sam Hausfather (2002)
No: from "Putting students on the path to learning: the case for fully guided instruction" / R.E. Clark, P.A. Kirschner, and J. Sweller (2012)
Issue: Should schools aim for students' "happiness"?
Yes: from "What does it mean to educate the whole child?" / Nel Noddings (2005)
No: "Quality in liberal education and illusions of the academy" / Kenneth R. Stunkel (1999)
Unit 2. Basic educational issues
Issue: Are international comparisons helpful?
Yes: from "Learning from high-performing education systems" / OECD
No: from "Is PISA counter-productive to building successful educational systems" / Anna Dall (2011)
Issue: Do recent discoveries about the brain have implications for classroom practice?
Yes: from "Building a bridge from neuroscience to the classroom" / Judy Willis (2008)
No: from "When and how neuroscience applies to education" / Dan Willingham
Issue: Can schools close the achievement gap between students from different ethnic and racial backgrounds?
Yes: from "Closing the achievement gap by detracking" / Carol Corbett Burris and Kevin G. Welner (2005)
No: from "Equality of educational opportunity: myth or reality in U.S. schooling?" / William H. Schmidt (2010-2011)
Unit 3. Best practices
Issue: Does grading help students learn?
Yes: from "Standards-based grading" / Kyle Spencer (2012)
No: from "The case against grades" / Alfie Kohn (2011)
Issue: Is full inclusion always the best option for children with disabilities?
Yes: from "Extending inclusive opportunities" / Michael F. Giangreco (2007)
No: from "Enabling or disabling?: observation on changes in special education" / James M. KIaoffman, Kathleen McGee, and Michele Brigham (2004)
Issue: Are single-gender classes necessary to create equal opportunities for boys and girls?
Yes: from "How tweens view single-sex classes" / Frances R. Spielhagen (2006)
No: from "Teaching to the minds of boys" / Kelley King and MIchael Gurian (2006)
Issue: Does homework improve student achievement?
Yes: from "Homework works if homework quality is high: using multilevel modeling to predict the development of achievement in mathematics" / Swantje Dettmers, et al. (2010)
No: from "Relationships among attitudes about homework, amount of homework assigned and completed, and student achievement" / Harris Cooper, et al. (1998)
Issue: Is parental involvement in education critical for student achievement?
Yes: from "Parental involvement in middle school: a meta-analytic assessment of the strategies that promote achievement" / Nancy E. Hill and Diana F. Tyson (2009)
No: from "Value development underlies the benefits of parents' involvement in children's learning: a longitudinal investigation in the United States and China / Cecilia S.S. Cheung and Eva M. Pomerantz (2015)
Issue: Should we be "tiger" parents?
Yes: from "Interpretations of parental control by Asian immigrant and European American youth" / Ruth K. Chao and Christine Aque (2009)
No: from "Does 'tiger parenting' exist?: parenting profiles of Chinese Americans and adolescent developmental outcomes" / Su Yeong Kim, et al. (2013)
Unit 4. Educational interventions
Issue: Should schools use cash incentives to promote educational goals?
Yes: from "Positive effects of rewards and performance standards on intrinsic motivation" / W. David Pierce, et al. (2003)
No: from "Choking under pressure: self-consciousness and paradoxical effects of incentives on skillful performance" / Roy F. Baumeister (1984)
Issue: Is there anything good about abstinence-only sex education?
Yes: from "Effectiveness of abstinence-only intervention in middle school teens" / Elaine A. Borawski, et al. (2005)
No: from "Abstinence-only education and teen pregnancy rates: why we need comprehensive sex education in the U.S." / Kathrin F. Stanger-Hall and David W. Hall (2011)
Issue: Does reducing class size improve student achievement?
Yes: from "Small classes in the early grades, academic achievement, and graduating from high school" / Jeremy D. Finn, Susan B. Gerber, and Jayne Boyd-Zaharias (2005)
No: from "The Tennessee class size experiment (Project STAR)" / Eric A. Hanushek (2002)
Issue: Are school-wide anti-bullying programs effective?
Yes: from "Going to scale: a nonrandomized nationwide trial of the KiVa antibullying program for grades 1-9" / Antii Kèarnèa, et al. (2011)
No: from "The moderating effects of school climate on bullying prevention efforts" / Sabina Low and Mark Van Ryzin (2014)
Issue: Are charter schools advancing educational reforms?
Yes: from "Are charter schools making a difference?: a study of student outcomes in eight states" / RAND Education (2009)
No: from "Worth the price?: weighing the evidence on charter school achievement" / Martin Carnoy, et al. (2006).
Issue: Can psychological science improve the quality of education?
Yes: from "The contribution of psychology to education" / Edward L. Thorndike (1910)
No: from "Education as engineering" / John Dewey (1922)
Issue: Should studies be free?
Yes: from "Difficulties and opportunities: the challenge of present-day teaching" / Carl Rogers (1969)
No: from "A technology of behavior" / B.F. Skinner (1971)
Issue: Are constructivist teaching methods superior to traditional methods of teaching?
Yes: from "Content and process in constructivist teacher education" / Sam Hausfather (2002)
No: from "Putting students on the path to learning: the case for fully guided instruction" / R.E. Clark, P.A. Kirschner, and J. Sweller (2012)
Issue: Should schools aim for students' "happiness"?
Yes: from "What does it mean to educate the whole child?" / Nel Noddings (2005)
No: "Quality in liberal education and illusions of the academy" / Kenneth R. Stunkel (1999)
Unit 2. Basic educational issues
Issue: Are international comparisons helpful?
Yes: from "Learning from high-performing education systems" / OECD
No: from "Is PISA counter-productive to building successful educational systems" / Anna Dall (2011)
Issue: Do recent discoveries about the brain have implications for classroom practice?
Yes: from "Building a bridge from neuroscience to the classroom" / Judy Willis (2008)
No: from "When and how neuroscience applies to education" / Dan Willingham
Issue: Can schools close the achievement gap between students from different ethnic and racial backgrounds?
Yes: from "Closing the achievement gap by detracking" / Carol Corbett Burris and Kevin G. Welner (2005)
No: from "Equality of educational opportunity: myth or reality in U.S. schooling?" / William H. Schmidt (2010-2011)
Unit 3. Best practices
Issue: Does grading help students learn?
Yes: from "Standards-based grading" / Kyle Spencer (2012)
No: from "The case against grades" / Alfie Kohn (2011)
Issue: Is full inclusion always the best option for children with disabilities?
Yes: from "Extending inclusive opportunities" / Michael F. Giangreco (2007)
No: from "Enabling or disabling?: observation on changes in special education" / James M. KIaoffman, Kathleen McGee, and Michele Brigham (2004)
Issue: Are single-gender classes necessary to create equal opportunities for boys and girls?
Yes: from "How tweens view single-sex classes" / Frances R. Spielhagen (2006)
No: from "Teaching to the minds of boys" / Kelley King and MIchael Gurian (2006)
Issue: Does homework improve student achievement?
Yes: from "Homework works if homework quality is high: using multilevel modeling to predict the development of achievement in mathematics" / Swantje Dettmers, et al. (2010)
No: from "Relationships among attitudes about homework, amount of homework assigned and completed, and student achievement" / Harris Cooper, et al. (1998)
Issue: Is parental involvement in education critical for student achievement?
Yes: from "Parental involvement in middle school: a meta-analytic assessment of the strategies that promote achievement" / Nancy E. Hill and Diana F. Tyson (2009)
No: from "Value development underlies the benefits of parents' involvement in children's learning: a longitudinal investigation in the United States and China / Cecilia S.S. Cheung and Eva M. Pomerantz (2015)
Issue: Should we be "tiger" parents?
Yes: from "Interpretations of parental control by Asian immigrant and European American youth" / Ruth K. Chao and Christine Aque (2009)
No: from "Does 'tiger parenting' exist?: parenting profiles of Chinese Americans and adolescent developmental outcomes" / Su Yeong Kim, et al. (2013)
Unit 4. Educational interventions
Issue: Should schools use cash incentives to promote educational goals?
Yes: from "Positive effects of rewards and performance standards on intrinsic motivation" / W. David Pierce, et al. (2003)
No: from "Choking under pressure: self-consciousness and paradoxical effects of incentives on skillful performance" / Roy F. Baumeister (1984)
Issue: Is there anything good about abstinence-only sex education?
Yes: from "Effectiveness of abstinence-only intervention in middle school teens" / Elaine A. Borawski, et al. (2005)
No: from "Abstinence-only education and teen pregnancy rates: why we need comprehensive sex education in the U.S." / Kathrin F. Stanger-Hall and David W. Hall (2011)
Issue: Does reducing class size improve student achievement?
Yes: from "Small classes in the early grades, academic achievement, and graduating from high school" / Jeremy D. Finn, Susan B. Gerber, and Jayne Boyd-Zaharias (2005)
No: from "The Tennessee class size experiment (Project STAR)" / Eric A. Hanushek (2002)
Issue: Are school-wide anti-bullying programs effective?
Yes: from "Going to scale: a nonrandomized nationwide trial of the KiVa antibullying program for grades 1-9" / Antii Kèarnèa, et al. (2011)
No: from "The moderating effects of school climate on bullying prevention efforts" / Sabina Low and Mark Van Ryzin (2014)
Issue: Are charter schools advancing educational reforms?
Yes: from "Are charter schools making a difference?: a study of student outcomes in eight states" / RAND Education (2009)
No: from "Worth the price?: weighing the evidence on charter school achievement" / Martin Carnoy, et al. (2006).