

Unit 1. The 'Dietary guidelines for Americans 2015'
Will the government's dietary guidance improve health?
Are the 2015 'Dietary guidelines' based on sound science?
Should we eat less saturated fat?
Should we eat less added sugars?
Unit 2. Nutrition and health
Can an overemphasis on eating health become unhealthy?
Does a diet high in fructose increase body fat?
Do Americans need vitamin D supplements?
Does coconut oil provide health benefits?
Should physicians use BMI to assess overall health?
Unit 3. Our food supply
Should all trans fat be banned in processed food?
Are organic foods better than conventional foods?
Does the world need genetically modified foods?
Are probiotics and prebiotics beneficial in promoting health?
Is modern wheat unhealthy?
Should infant formulas contain synthetic ARA and DHA?
Unit 4. Nutrition and food policy
Should government control sodium levels in the food supply?
Should government levy a "fat tax"?
Can Michelle Obama's "Let's Move!" initiative halt childhood obesity?
Do pesticides cause birth defects and other health problems?

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