

Unit 1.
The health care industry.
Is the Affordable Care Act successful?
Should the health care system continuously strive to extend life?
Does the Affordable Care Act violate religious freedom by requiring employers' health insurance plans to cover birth control?
Unit 2.
Health and society.
Is the cost of treating cancer unsustainable?
Will legalizing marijuana increase usage?
Is the use of "smart pills" for cognitive enhancement dangerous?
Are there medical benefits to cloning?
Unit 3.
Mind-body relationships.
Should addiction to drugs be labeled a brain disease?
Unit 4.
Sexuality and gender issues.
Is it necessary for pregnant women to completely abstain from all alcoholic beverages?
Should pro-life health providers be allowed to deny prescriptions on the basis of conscience?
Do the benefits of the cervical cancer vaccine outweigh the risks?
Does watching pornography lead to sexual dysfunction?
Unit 5.
Public health issues.
Should vaccines be mandatory?
Will hydraulic fracturing (fracking) negatively affect human health and the environment?
Is there a valid link between saturated fat and heart disease?
Are restrictions on sugar and sugary beverages justified?
Unit 6.
Consumer health.
Is weight-loss maintenance possible?
Does obesity increase the risk of premature death?
Are energy drinks with alcohol dangerous enough to ban?
Do diet sodas aid in weight loss?
Do the benefits of statin drugs outweigh the risks?

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