

Unit 1
Media And Social Issues
Do media reflect contemporary family relationships?
Have media representations of minorities improved?
Have more women become involved as decision makers in media industries?
Do digital technologies influence our senses?
Unit 2
Question of Content
Do media cause individuals to develop negative body images?
Is product placement an effective form of advertising?
Is there any harm in taking selfies?
Unit 3
News and Politics Is networking through social media contributing to the growth of fake news?
Does meida coverage encourage mass shootings and terrorist attacks?
Are polls an accurate assessment of public opinion?
Are twitter and other social media a good source of political information?
Unit 4
Law and Policy
Does technology invade our privacy?
Should corporations be allowed to finance political campaigns?
Does drone journalism challenge journalistic norms of privacy?
Can anything be done about trolls and online harassment?
Unit 5
Media Business
Is streaming the future of the music industry?
Is there a future for digital newspapers?
Are digital news services good for he news business?
Unit 6
Life in the Digital Age
Can digital libraries replace traditional libraries?
Can journalism stand up to attackson freedom of the press?

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