

Unit 1
Medical decision making
Is patient self-determination the central value in making medical decisions?
May surrogate decision makers terminate care for a person in a persistent vegetative state?
Unit 2
End-of-life dilemmas
Is "continuous deep sedation" a valuable treatment option for patients who are close to death?
Should physicians be allowed to assist in patient suicide?
Unit 3
Choices in reproduction
Should embryos produced during IVF be considered children?
Should a pregnant woman be punished for exposing her fetus to risk?
Unit 4
Professional integrity
Should physicians be allowed to participate in executions?
Should pharmacists be allowed to deny prescriptions on grounds of conscience?
Unit 5
The development and use of biotechnology
Is the use of medical tools to enhance human beings morally troubling?
Should research on human embryonic stem cells be halted, given the presence of possible alternatives?
Should governments develop DNA databanks to support law enforcement?
May doctors offer medical drugs and surgery to stop a disabled child from maturing?
Should scientists create artificial living things?
Could conservation of wild species be improved through the use of de-extinction tools?
Unit 6
Access to health care
Does the government overreach by mandating health insurance ?
Is there an ethical duty to provide health care to undocumented immigrants?
Should new drugs be given to patients outside clinical trials?
Should vaccination for HPV be mandated for teenage girls?
Should there be a market in human organs?

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