

Unit 1
Law and Terrorism.
Issue: Should U.S. Citizens who are declared to be "enemy combatants" be able to contest their detention before a Judge?
Issue: Does the President possess constitutional authority to order wiretaps on U.S. citizens?
Unit 2
Law and the Individual.
Issue: Is it unconstitutional to require physicians who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital?
Issue: Are violent video games protected by the First Amendment?
Issue: Can states ban physician aid-in-dying for terminally ill patients?
Issue: Does the sharing of music files through the internet violate copyright laws?
Issue: Is the Eighth Amendment protection violated if prisoners are deprived of basic sustenance?
Unit 3
Law and the State.
Issue: Does the Constitution's commerce clause allow Congress to require uninsured individuals to buy health insurance?
Issue: Is It constitutional to open a town meeting with a prayer?
Issue: Is a strip search of middle school students that Is aimed at finding drugs prohibited under the Fourth Amendment?
Issue: Is a dog sniffing for drugs outside a home a search prohibited by the Fourth Amendment?
Issue: Does the cruel and unusual punishment clause of the Eighth Amendment bar the imposition of the death penalty on juveniles?
Issue: Does sex in Title IX allow transgender students to use the restrooms that align with their gender identity, not their biological sex?
Issue: Does a Facebook poster need more than "general intent" for a post to be considered a "true threat" under criminal law?
Unit 4
Law and the Community.
Issue: Is there a constitutional right to possess a firearm for private use?
Issue: Are blanket prohibitions on cross burnings unconstitutional?
Issue: Does the 4th Amendment prohibit the police in collecting DNA samples of persons arrested but not convicted on felony charges?
Issue: Is same-sex marriage protected by the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?
Issue: Are race-conscious public university admissions policies permitted under the Fourteenth Amendment?
Issue: Is It unconstitutional for states to imprison undocumented immigrants?

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