

Rational Design / Massimo Vignelli
The Play Instinct / Paul Rand
Humor in Design / Stephen Doyle
Experimentation / Jonathan Barnbrook
Type Design / Jonathan Hoefler
Book Jackets / Michael Ian Kaye
Design and Film / Dana Arnett
Design for Television / Chris Pullman
Design in Japan / Jose Conde
Book Packaging / Nicholas Callaway
Advertising / George Lois
Graphic Design History / Philip Meggs
History as Commodity / Rick Prelinger
Antique Type / Dan Solo
Design Journalism / Rick Poynor
Curating Design / Ellen Lupton
Design Education / Katherine McCoy
Design Theory / Johanna Drucker
Modernism Past and Present / Ivan Chermayeff
Professionalism, Education, Celebrity, and Criticism / Milton Glaser
Design Criticism / Michael Bierut
Art and Politics / Sue Coe
Public Relations and Spin / Stuart Ewen
The Perils of Publishing / Ralph Ginzburg
Social Responsibility / Tibor Kalman
Information Architecture / Richard Saul Wurman
Racial Stereotypes / Michael Ray Charles
A Designer in Captivity / Morris Wyszogrod
A Swell of Interactivity
Children's Books / Jules Feiffer
The Candy-Colored Cartooniverse / Rodney Alan Greenblat
Web Design for Kids / David Vogler
Interactive Environments / Edwin Schlossberg
Technology and Design / Robert Greenberg
The Wired World / John Plunkett.

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