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Summary Statement
1. Introduction / Jamie Bartram
2. Assessing the importance of zoonotic waterborne pathogens / Kumar Govind Suresh, Gary A. Toranzos, Ronald Fayer, Veeranoot Nissaparton, Remigio Olveda, Nicholas Ashbolt and Victor Gannon
3. Zoonotic waterborne pathogen loads in livestock / Edward R. Atwill, Xunde Li, Delia Grace and Victor Gannon / 4. Zoonotic waterborne pathogens in livestock and their excreta
interventions / Victor Gannon, Delia Grace and Edward R. Atwill
5. Transport of microbial pollution in catchment systems / Christobel Ferguson and David Kay
6. Effectiveness of best management practices for attenuating the transport of livestock-derived pathogens within catchments / David Kay, John Crowther, Christopher Kay, Adrian T. McDonald, Christobel Ferguson, Carl M. Stapleton and Mark D. Wyer
7. Exposure / Will Robertson and Gordon Yasvinski
8. Exposure interventions / Julie Kinzelman and Calum Mcphail
9. Indicators, sanitary surveys and source attribution techniques / Julie Kinzelman, Katharine G. Field, Hyatt C. Green, Valerie J. Harwood and Calum McPhail
10. Comparative risk analysis / Graham McBride, Tom Ross and Al Dufour
11. Epidemiological studies on swimmer health effects associated with potential exposure to zoonotic pathogens in bathing beach water
a review / Al Dufour, Timothy J. Wade and David Kay
12. Economic evaluation / Roy Brouwer and Stavros Georgiou

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