

Introduction: Hasidism as a modern movement
Section 1. Origins: The Eighteenth Century
Part I. Beginnings :
1. Hasidism's birthplace
2. Ba'al Shem Tov: founder of Hasidism?
3. From circle to court: the Maggid of Mezritsh and Hasidism's first opponents
Part II. From Court to Movement :
4. Ukraine
5. Lithuania, White Russia, and the land of Israel
6. Galicia and central Poland
Part III. Beliefs and Practices :
7. Ethos
8. Rituals
9. Institutions
Section 2. Golden Age: The Nineteenth Century :
Introduction: Toward the Nineteenth Century
10. A golden age within two empires
Part I. Varieties of Nineteenth-Century Hasidism :
11. In the empire of the Tsars: Russia
12. In the empire of the Tsars: Poland
13. Habsburg Hasidism: Galicia and Bukovina
14. Habsburg Hasidism: Hungary
Part II. Institutions :
15. "A little townlet on its own": the court and its inhabitants
16. Between shtibl and shtetl
17. Book culture
Part III. Relations with the Outside World :
18. Haskalah and its successors
19. The state and public opinion
20. The crisis of modernity
21. Neo-Hasidism
Section 3. Death and Resurrection: The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries :
Introduction: The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries
Part I. Between World War I AND World War II :
22. War and revolution
23. In a sovereign Poland
24. Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Romania
25. America and the land of Israel
26. Khurbn: Hasidism and the Holocaust
Part II. Postwar Phoenix: Hasidism after the Holocaust :
27. America: Hasidism's "goldene medinah"
2. The state of Israel: haven in Zion
29. Hasidic society
30. Hasidic culture
31. In the eyes of others: Hasidism in contemporary culture
Afterword / Arthur Green.

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