

Anonymous: The epic of Gilgamesh, c.1750 BCE
Homer: The odyssey, c.725-675 BCE
Ovid: Metamorphoses, c.8
Anonymous: Beowulf, c.700-1100
Anonymous: The thousand and one nights, c.700-947
Anonymous: The mabinogion, 12th-14th century
Snorri Sturluson: The prose Edda, c.1220
Dante Alighieri: The divine comedy, c.1308-21
Thomas Malory: Le morte d'Arthur, 1485
Ludovico Ariosto: Orlando Furioso, c.1516/32
Thomas More: Utopia, 1516
Edmund Spenser: The faerie queene, 1590-1609
Wu Cheng'en: Journey to the west (Xiyouji), c.1592
Tommaso Campanella: The city of the sun, 1602
Miguel de Cervantes: Don Quixote, 1605/15
William Shakespeare: The tempest, 1611
Cyrano de Bergerac: A voyage to the moon, 1657
Margaret Cavendish: The description of a new world, called the Blazing-World, 1666
Jonathan Swift: Gulliver's travels, 1726
Ludvig Holberg: The journey of Niels Klim to the world underground, 1741
Charles Kingsley: The water-babies: A fairy tale for a land baby, 1863
Lewis Carroll: Alice's adventures in Wonderland, 1865
Jules Verne: Twenty thousand leagues under the sea, 1870
Samuel Butler: Erewhon, 1872
Richard Wagner: The ring of the Nibelung, 1876
Robert Louis Stevenson: Treasure island, 1883
Edwin A. Abbott: Flatland: A romance of many dimensions, 1884
Edward Bellamy: Looking backward: 2000-1887, 1888
Mark Twain: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, 1889
H.G. Wells: The time machine, 1895
L. Frank Baum: The wonderful wizard of Oz, 1900
J.M. Barrie: Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, 1906
Arthur Conan Doyle: The lost world, 1912
Edgar Rice Burroughs: At the earth's core, 1914
Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Herland, 1915
Cecilia May Gibbs: Tales of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie: Their adventures wonderful, 1918
Yevgeny Zamyatin: We, 1924
Frank Kafka: The castle, 1926
H.P. Lovecraft: The Cthulhu mythos, 1928-37
Aldous Huxley: Brave new world, 1932
Robert E. Howard: Conan the Barbarian, 1932-36
Vlladimir Bartol: Alamut, 1938
Jorge Luis Borges: Tlèon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius, 1941
Austin Tappan Wright: Islandia, 1942
Antoine de Saint-Exupâery: The little prince, 1943
Tove Jansson: The Moomins and the great flood, 1945
Mervyn Peake: Gormenghast, 1946-59
George Orwell: Nineteen eighty-four, 1949
C.S. Lewis: The chronicles of Narnia, 1950-56
Isaac Asimov: I, Robot, 1950
Ray Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451, 1953
J.R.R. Tolkien: The lord of the rings, 1954-55
Juan Rulfo: Pedro Pâaramo, 1955
Stanis±aw Lem: Solaris, 1961
Anthony Burgess: A clockwork orange, 1962
Vladimir Nabokov: Pale fire, 1962
Pierre Boulle: Planet of the apes, 1963
Gabriel Garcâia Mâarquez: One hundred years of solitude, 1967
Ursula K. Le Guin: A wizard of Earthsea, 1968
Philip K. Dick: Do androids dream of electric sheep?, 1968
Peter S. Beagle: The last unicorn, 1968
Kurt Vonnegut: Slaughterhouse-five, 1969
Larry Niven: Ringworld, 1970
Italo Calvino: Invisible cities, 1972
William Goldman: The princess bride, 1973
Samuel R. Delany: Dhalgren, 1975
Georges Perec: W or the memory of childhood, 1975
Gerd Mj²en Brantenberg: Egalia's daughters: A satire of the sexes, 1977
Angela Carter: The bloody chamber and other stories, 1979
Octavia E. Butler: Kindred, 1979
Douglas Adams: The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, 1979
Stephen King: The dark tower series, 1982-2012
Terry Pratchett: The Discworld series, 1983-2015
William Gibson: Neuromancer, 1984
Margaret Atwood: The handmaid's tale, 1985
Iain M. Banks: The culture series, 1987-2012
Bernardo Atxaga: Obabakoak, 1988
Neil Gaiman et al.: The sandman, 1988-2015
Neal Stephenson: Snow crash, 1992
Lois Lowry: The giver, 1993
Philip Pullman: His dark materials, 1995-2000
George R.R. Martin: A game of thrones, 1996
David Foster Wallace: Infinite jest, 1996
J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone, 1997
China Miâeville: The Bas-lag cycle, 2000-04
Jasper Fforde: The Eyre affair, 2001
Cornelia Funke: Inkheart, 2003
Susanna Clarke: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, 2004
David Mitchell: Cloud Atlas, 2004
Kazuo Ishiguro: Never let me go, 2005
Ngäugäi Wa Thiong'o: Wizard of the Crow, 2006
Michael Chabon: The Yiddish Policemen's Union, 2007
Suzanne Collins: The hunger games, 2008
Haruki Murakami: IQ84, 2009-10
Wu Ming-Yi: The man with the compound eyes, 2011
Ann Leckie: The imperial Radch trilogy, 2013-15
Nnedi Okorafor: Lagoon, 2014
Salman Rushdie: Two years eight months and twenty-eight nights, 2015.

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