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Intro; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; About the Authors; Abbreviations; Symbols; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Overview; 1.2 Optical Fibre Bragg Grating and No-Core Fibre Sensors; 1.3 Organization of Book; 2 Operational Principles of Fibre Bragg Grating and No-Core Fibre; 2.1 Fibre Bragg Grating; 2.2 Writing Technique; 2.2.1 Internal Writing Technique; 2.2.2 External Writing Technique; 2.3 Historical Perspective of Fibre Bragg Grating Sensor; 2.4 Why Fibre Bragg Grating Sensor?; 2.5 No-Core Fibre Sensor; 3 Theory; 3.1 Coupled-Mode Theory; 3.2 Principle Operation of Fibre Bragg Grating.

3.2.1 Bragg Wavelength3.2.2 Bandwidth of Bragg Grating; 3.2.3 Reflectivity of Bragg Grating; 3.3 Optical Response of Bragg Grating; 3.3.1 Optical Response to Wavelength; 3.3.2 Optical Response to Strain; 3.3.3 Optical Response to Temperature; 3.4 Characteristics of Fibre Bragg Grating; 3.4.1 Bragg Condition; 3.4.2 Transmission and Reflection in Fibre Bragg Grating; 3.4.3 Effective Refractive Index; 3.4.4 Refractive Index Modulation; 3.4.5 Grating Period; 3.5 Photosensitivity in Optical Fibre; 3.6 Fabrication of Fibre Bragg Grating; 3.7 Preparation of No-Core Fibre; 4 Methodology.

4.1 Design of Fibre Bragg Grating for Temperature Sensing4.2 Set Up of Fibre Bragg Grating for Indoor Temperature Sensor; 4.3 Set Up of Fibre Bragg Grating for Outdoor Temperature Sensor; 4.4 Set Up of Fibre Bragg Grating and No-Core Fibre for Temperature Sensing; 5 Research Findings; 5.1 Indoor Fibre Bragg Grating Temperature Sensor; 5.1.1 Reflection and Transmission Spectra in Room Temperature; 5.1.2 Fibre Bragg Grating for Temperature Sensor in Indoor Environment; 5.1.3 Bragg Wavelength; 5.1.4 Bandwidth; 5.1.5 Reflectivity; 5.1.6 Fibre Bragg Grating Sensor in Liquid. Sensitivity of Fibre Bragg Grating in Liquid5.1.6.2 Resolution and Accuracy of Fibre Bragg Grating Temperature Sensor; 5.1.7 Fibre Bragg Grating Temperature Sensor in Liquid and Air; 5.2 Outdoor Fibre Bragg Grating Temperature Sensor; 5.2.1 Fibre Loss Measurement; 5.2.2 Fibre Bragg Grating for Temperature Sensor in Outdoor Environment; 5.2.3 Height Effect on the Sensitivity of Fibre Bragg Grating; 5.2.4 Focusing Lens Effect on the Sensitivity of Fibre Bragg Grating; Effect of Convex Lens; Effect of Hand Lens; Comparison of Different Focusing Elements.

5.2.5 Bandwidth of Fibre Bragg Grating5.2.6 Reflectivity of Fibre Bragg Grating; 5.2.7 Interpretation and Discussion on Fibre Bragg Grating Sensor in Outdoor Environment; 5.3 Fibre Bragg Grating and No-Core Fibre for Temperature Measurement; 5.3.1 Fibre Bragg Grating and No-Core Fibre at Room Temperature; 5.3.2 Temperature Sensing of Fibre Bragg Grating and No-Core Fibre; 5.3.3 Reaction of FBG in Different Solutions; 5.3.4 Reaction of NCF in Different Solutions; 5.3.5 Full Width at Half Maximum of Bragg Grating; 6 Conclusion; References; Index.

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