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Intro; Supervisor's Foreword; Abstract; List of Publications; Acknowledgements; Contents; Acronyms; Racah Spectroscopic Notation; 1 Introduction; References; 2 Introduction to Laser Physics; 2.1 Types of Atomic Transition; 2.2 A Laser at Its Simplest; 2.3 Population Inversion; 2.4 Optical Gain and the Gain Bandwidth; 2.5 Amplified Spontaneous Emission; 2.6 Laser Cavity Modes; 2.7 The Lasing Threshold and Gain Saturation; 2.8 Multimode Lasing; 2.9 Frequency Pulling; References; 3 Introduction to Discharge Physics; 3.1 What is a Gas Discharge?; 3.2 Modes of Operation.

3.3 Structure of a Glow Discharge3.4 Theory of the Positive Column; 3.4.1 Particle Collisions and the Mean Free Path; 3.4.2 The Electron Temperature; 3.4.3 The Debye Length; 3.4.4 The Positive Column in a Large Radius, Cylindrical Container; 3.4.5 Small Radius Behaviour; 3.5 Pulsed Discharges; References; 4 Electrically Pumped Noble Gas Lasers; 4.1 Excitation Processes; 4.1.1 Electron Impact; 4.1.2 Atom-Atom Excitation Transfer; 4.1.3 Electron-Ion Recombination; 4.2 Gain and the pD Product; 4.3 The Xenon Laser; 4.4 The Helium-Neon Laser; 4.5 Neutral and Ionised Argon Lasers; References.

5 Introduction to Optical Fibres5.1 Step-Index Fibres; 5.2 Waveguide Modes; 5.3 Hollow Core Fibres; 5.3.1 Photonic Bandgap Guidance; 5.3.2 Anti-resonant Guidance; 5.4 Optical Fibre Fabrication; 5.4.1 Fabrication Basics; 5.4.2 Fabricating Microstructured Fibres: The 'Stack and Draw' Method; 5.4.3 Differences in Fabricating AR Fibre; References; 6 Experiment Assembly and CW Measurements of the He-Xe Laser; 6.1 Experiment Assembly and Preliminary Results; 6.1.1 Optical Fibre Selection; 6.1.2 Vacuum and Gas Handling System; 6.1.3 Electrical System; 6.1.4 Preliminary Experiments.

6.1.5 Modifications6.1.6 Optical Set-Up; 6.2 Discharge Operation; 6.3 Double-Pass Experiments; 6.4 Completing the Cavity; 6.5 Summary; References; 7 Pulsed Measurements of the He-Xe Laser; 7.1 A New Measurement Regime; 7.1.1 Electrical Properties; 7.1.2 Optical Properties; 7.2 Cavity Analysis; 7.2.1 Polarisation Test; 7.2.2 Modal Analysis; 7.2.3 Evidence of Lasing on Alternative Lines; 7.3 Pressure Optimisation; 7.4 Summary; References; 8 Experiments with New Gas Mixtures; 8.1 Neon Experiments; 8.1.1 Helium-Neon; 8.1.2 Helium-Neon-Xenon; 8.1.3 Neon-Xenon; 8.2 Argon Experiments; 8.3 Summary.

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