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Intro; Foreword by Tom Gilb; Engineering Metrics Are a Necessary Tool for Software Development; Foreword by Alain Abran; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Academic and Industrial View on Software Measurement; 1.2 What a Measurement Program Is: A Brief Introduction; 1.3 What a Successful Measurement Program Is; 1.4 A Brief History of Software Measurements; 1.5 Measures in Decision Processes; 1.5.1 Decisions-Measures Dependency Model; 1.5.2 Effective and Efficient Measures for DecisionFormulation; 1.6 Content of This Book; 1.6.1 Chapter 2: Foundations.

1.6.2 Chapter 3: Measurement Programs1.6.3 Chapter 4: Quality of Measurement Programs; 1.6.4 Chapter 5: Tooling in Measurement Programs; 1.6.5 Chapter 6: Measures in Measurement Programs; 1.6.6 Chapter 7: New Techniques; 1.6.7 Chapter 8: Maintaining and Evolving Measurement Programs; 1.6.8 Chapter 9: Summary and New Directions; 1.7 So, Let's Start; 1.8 Related Reading; References; 2 Fundamentals; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Software Metrology and the VIM Standard; 2.2.1 Lines of Code Measure: Defined from the Perspective of the VIM Vocabulary; 2.3 Mapping of Real-World Objects to Measures.

2.4 The Concept of Measurement Error2.4.1 Impact of Measurement Error on Predictions: Standard Error of the Estimate; 2.5 ISO 15939: Measurement Processes; 2.5.1 Base Measures and Measurement Methods; 2.5.2 Derived Measures and Measurement Functions; 2.5.3 Indicators and Analysis Model; 2.5.4 Definition of Test Progress Using the ISO/IEC 15939 Measurement Information Model; 2.6 ISO 25000: SQuARE; 2.7 Other Standards; 2.8 Scientific Work Provides Closure to the Standards; 2.8.1 Types and Properties of Measures; 2.9 Measurement Systems; 2.9.1 Architecture of a Measurement System; 2.10 Summary.

2.11 Further ReadingReferences; 3 Measurement Program; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Measurement Program Model; 3.2.1 Measurement Systems; 3.2.2 Information Products; 3.2.3 Measurement Experience Base; 3.2.4 Measurement Infrastructure; 3.2.5 Measurement Organization; 3.2.6 Input; 3.2.7 Output; 3.3 Processes; 3.3.1 Designing a Measurement Program; Designing Measurement Systems; Designing Information Products; Designing Measurement Experience Base; Designing the Measurement Infrastructure; Designing the Measurement Organization.

3.3.2 Deploying a Measurement Program3.3.2.1 Deploy a Measurement System; Deploy an Information Product; Deploying the Measurement Experience Base; Deploying the Measurement Infrastructure; Deploying the Measurement Organization; 3.4 Stakeholders; 3.4.1 What Makes a Stakeholder, a Good Stakeholder?; 3.4.2 The Role of the Stakeholder in the Design and Deployment Processes; Design Phase: Checklist; Deployment Phase: Checklist; 3.5 Summary; 3.6 Further Reading; References; 4 Quality of Measurement Programs; 4.1 Introduction.

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