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Intro; Preface to the Second Edition; Preface to the First Edition; Contents; 1 Preliminaries; 1.1 Product Topology; 1.2 Continuous Decompositions; 1.3 Homotopy and Fundamental Group; 1.4 Geometric Complexes and Polyhedra; 1.5 Complete Metric Spaces; 1.6 Compacta; 1.7 Continua; 1.8 Hyperspaces; References; 2 Inverse Limits and Related Topics; 2.1 Inverse Limits; 2.2 Inverse Limits and the Cantor Set; 2.3 Inverse Limits and Other Operations; 2.4 Chainable Continua; 2.5 Circularly Chainable and P-Like Continua; 2.6 Universal and AH-Essential Maps; References; 3 Jones's Set Function T

3.1 The Set Function T3.2 Idempotency of T; 3.3 Continuity of T; 3.4 Three Decomposition Theorems; 3.5 Examples of Continua for Which T Is Continuous; 3.6 T-Closed Sets; 3.7 Applications; References; 4 A Theorem of E. G. Effros; 4.1 Topological Groups; 4.2 Group Actions and a Theorem of Effros; References; 5 Decomposition Theorems; 5.1 Jones's Theorem; 5.2 Detour to Covering Spaces; 5.3 Rogers's Theorem; 5.4 Case and Minc-Rogers Continua; 5.5 Covering Spaces of Some Homogeneous Continua; References; 6 n-Fold Hyperspaces; 6.1 General Properties; 6.2 Unicoherence; 6.3 Aposyndesis

6.4 Arcwise Accessibility6.5 Points That Arcwise Disconnect; 6.6 C*n-Smoothness; 6.7 Z-Sets; 6.8 Retractions; 6.9 Graphs; 6.10 Cones, Suspensions and Products; 6.11 Strong Size Maps; References; 7 n-Fold Hyperspace Suspensions; 7.1 General Properties; 7.2 Contractibility; 7.3 Aposyndesis; 7.4 Local Connectedness; 7.5 Points That Arcwise Disconnect; 7.6 Cones, Suspensions and Products; 7.7 Fixed Points; 7.8 Absolute n-Fold Hyperspace Suspensions; 7.9 Hereditarily Indecomposable Continua; References; 8 Induced Maps on n-Fold Hyperspaces; 8.1 General Maps; 8.2 Induced Maps; 8.3 Confluent Maps

8.4 Monotone Maps8.5 Open Maps; 8.6 Light Maps; 8.7 Freely Decomposable and Strongly Freely Decomposable Maps; References; 9 Questions; 9.1 Inverse Limits; 9.2 The Set Function T; 9.3 Homogeneous Continua; 9.4 n-Fold Hyperspaces; 9.5 n-Fold Hyperspace Suspensions; 9.6 Induced Maps on n-Fold Hyperspaces; References; Index

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