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Intro; Supervisor's Foreword; Abstract; Acknowledgements; Contents; 1 Outline; References; 2 Introduction to the Standard Model and Quark Flavour; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Symmetries; 2.2.1 Discrete Symmetries; 2.2.2 The BEH Mechanism; 2.2.3 The CKM Matrix; 2.2.4 Unitarity; 2.3 Bound States; 2.4 Heavy Flavour Phenomenology; 2.4.1 Meson Oscillations; 2.4.2 CP-Violation; 2.5 Beyond the Standard Model; 2.5.1 The Hierarchy and New-Physics-Flavour Problems; References; 3 The Large Hadron Collider; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Magnets; 3.3 Acceleration; 3.4 Operating Conditions; 3.5 Physics

3.5.1 b-Hadron Production at the LHC3.5.2 LHC Experiments; References; 4 The LHCb Detector; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 The VELO; 4.3 The Magnet; 4.4 The Tracking Stations; 4.4.1 Tracker Turicensis; 4.4.2 Inner Tracker; 4.4.3 Outer Tracker; 4.5 The RICH Detectors; 4.6 The Calorimeters; 4.6.1 Pre-shower and Scintillating Pad Detectors; 4.6.2 Electromagnetic Calorimeter; 4.6.3 Hadronic Calorimeter; 4.7 The Muon Stations; 4.8 The Trigger; 4.8.1 L0; 4.8.2 High Level Trigger; 4.8.3 Offline Reconstruction; 4.8.4 Efficiency Determination; 4.9 Software, Simulation and Computing; 4.9.1 Simulation

5.3.4 Offline Selection Efficiency5.3.5 PID Efficiency; 5.3.6 Phase-Space Dependent Efficiency Correction; 5.3.7 L0Hadron Trigger Correction; 5.3.8 Summary of Efficiencies; 5.4 Fit Model; 5.4.1 Signal Parameterisation; 5.4.2 Signal Cross-Feeds; 5.4.3 Combinatorial Background; 5.4.4 Partially Reconstructed Background; 5.4.5 Constrained Parameters; 5.4.6 Results of the Fit to Collision Data; 5.5 Systematic Uncertainties; 5.5.1 Selection Efficiency; 5.5.2 PID Calibration; 5.5.3 Trigger; 5.5.4 Fit; 5.5.5 Normalisation Channel Branching Fraction; 5.6 Branching Fractions; 5.6.1 Significances

5.6.2 Upper Limits5.7 CP Asymmetry Measurements; 5.8 Summary and Subsequent Work; References; 6 Amplitude Analysis; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Three-Body Kinematics; 6.3 The Dalitz Plot; 6.4 The Isobar Formalism; 6.4.1 Blatt-Weisskopf Form Factors; 6.4.2 Angular Distributions; 6.4.3 Interference Effects; 6.5 Mass Distributions; 6.5.1 Relativistic Breit-Wigner; 6.5.2 Gounaris-Sakurai; 6.5.3 Virtual Contributions; 6.5.4 K-Matrix; 6.6 Implementation Details; 6.6.1 Normalisation; 6.6.2 Efficiency; 6.6.3 Backgrounds; 6.6.4 Parameter Inference; 6.6.5 Fit Fractions

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