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Intro; Preface; Contents; About the Editors; A Distributed Lagrange Formulation of the Finite Element Immersed Boundary Method for Fluids Interacting with Compressible Solids; 1 Introduction; 2 Setting of the Problem; 3 Time Discretization; 4 Space-Time Discretization; 5 Numerical Validation; 5.1 Recovery and Rise of an Initially Compressed Disk in a Stationary Fluid; 5.2 Deformation of a Compressible Annulus Under the Action of Point Source of Fluid; 6 Conclusions; References; High-Order Operator-Splitting Methods for the Bidomain and Monodomain Models; 1 Introduction; 2 Mathematical Models

3 Operator-Splitting Methods3.1 Basic Operator-Splitting Methods; 3.2 High-Order Operator-Splitting Methods; 3.3 Operator Splitting for the Bidomain Model; 3.4 Operator Splitting for the Monodomain Model; 4 Numerical Experiments; 4.1 Accuracy; 4.1.1 1D Experiments; 4.1.2 3D Experiments; 5 Conclusions; References; Electro-Mechanical Modeling and Simulation of Reentry Phenomena in the Presence of Myocardial Infarction; 1 Introduction; 2 Mathematical Models; 2.1 Macroscopic Mechanical Model; 2.2 The Excitation-Contraction Coupling Model; 2.3 The Bidomain Model

2.4 Membrane Model and Stretch-Activated Channel Current2.5 Pressure-Volume Loop; 3 Numerical Methods; 3.1 Space and Time Discretization; 3.2 Computational Kernels and Parallel Solvers; 3.3 Multilevel Additive Schwarz Preconditioners; 3.4 Iterative Substructuring, Schur Complement System and BDDC Preconditioners; 4 Numerical Simulations; 4.1 Computational Domain with Scar; 4.2 Electrical and Mechanical Parameters Calibration; 4.3 Initial and Boundary Conditions; 4.4 Stimulation Protocol; 4.5 Parallel Solver Setup; 4.6 Results; 5 Conclusions; References

3 Electrotonic Current and Potential4 Subthreshold Stimulation; 4.1 Intracellular Current Injection; 4.2 Extracellular Current Injection; 5 Stimulation Threshold; 5.1 The Membrane Action Potential; 5.2 The Propagating Action Potential; 6 Electrotonic Modulation of Repolarization by the Activation Sequence; 6.1 Modulation of Activation-Recovery Interval; 6.2 Modulation of Effective Refractory Period; 7 Summary and General Conclusions; References; Reduced Order Modeling for Cardiac Electrophysiology and Mechanics: New Methodologies, Challenges and Perspectives; 1 Introduction

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