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Table of Contents
Part I Foundational Material
1. Introduction
2. Basic number theory
3. Integral solutions to the Pythagorean Equation
4. What integers are areas of right triangles?
5. What numbers are the edges of a right triangle?
6. Primes of the form 4k+1
7. Gauss sums, Quadratic Reciprocity, and the Jacobi symbol
Part II Advanced Topics
8. Counting Pythagorean triples modulo an integer
9. How many lattice points are there on a circle or a sphere?
10. What about geometry?
11. Another proof of the four squares theorem
12. Quadratic forms and sums of squares
13. How many Pythagorean triples are there?
14. How are rational points distributed, really?
Part III Appendices
A. Background
B. Algebraic integers
C. SageMath
1. Introduction
2. Basic number theory
3. Integral solutions to the Pythagorean Equation
4. What integers are areas of right triangles?
5. What numbers are the edges of a right triangle?
6. Primes of the form 4k+1
7. Gauss sums, Quadratic Reciprocity, and the Jacobi symbol
Part II Advanced Topics
8. Counting Pythagorean triples modulo an integer
9. How many lattice points are there on a circle or a sphere?
10. What about geometry?
11. Another proof of the four squares theorem
12. Quadratic forms and sums of squares
13. How many Pythagorean triples are there?
14. How are rational points distributed, really?
Part III Appendices
A. Background
B. Algebraic integers
C. SageMath