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Preface; Contents; About the Editors; Cloud and Service Management; 1 A Review on Energy Efficient Resource Management Strategies for Cloud; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Energy Efficient Cloud Computing: An Overview; 3 Existing Resource Management Techniques; 3.1 Resource Scheduling; 3.2 Load Balancing; 3.3 Migration; 4 Energy Efficient Resource Management: A Research Direction; 4.1 A Detailed Study; 4.1.1 An Observation; 5 Conclusion and Future Scope; Acknowledgements; References; 2 Modeling and Analysis of Enterprise Cloud Bus Using a Petri Net Based Approach; Abstract; 1 Introduction.

2 Enterprise Cloud Bus System (ECBS)2.1 Formal Definition of ECBS; 2.2 Conceptualization of ECBS in MAS Architecture; 2.3 ECBS Elements in MAS Architecture; 3 Proposed Enterprise Cloud Bus Petri Net (ECBP); 3.1 Definition: Enterprise Cloud Bus Petri Net (ECBP); 3.2 ECBP Elements: Places and Transitions; 4 Analysis of ECBS Based on ECBP; 4.1 ECBP Based Analysis of ECBS; 4.1.1 Structural Analysis; 4.1.2 Performance Analysis; 4.1.3 Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Modules; 4.2 Analysis of Behavioral Properties of ECBP Model; 5 A Case Study; 6 Conclusion; References.

Service Provisioning in Cloud: A Systematic Survey1 Introduction; 2 Survey Goals and Research Questions; 3 Detailed Discussion on Service Provisioning; 3.1 Solution Techniques Used; 3.2 QoS Parameter Used; 3.3 Methodologies Used; 3.4 Comparing Capability of Some Well Known Solutions; 4 Context Awareness in Service Provisioning; 5 Service Provisioning by Brokers; 5.1 Broker's Responsibilities; 5.2 Service Broker: Architectures; 5.3 Proposed Broker Architecture for Service Provisioning; 6 Conclusion; References; Part II High Performance Computing.

Flexible Neural Trees
Parallel Learning on HPC1 Introduction; 2 Flexible Neural Tree; 2.1 Fitness Function; 2.2 Structure and Parameter Learning; 3 Parallel Learning; 4 Experiments; 4.1 Time-Series Forecasting; 4.2 Scalability; 5 Conclusion; References; Software Energy Estimation to Improve Power Efficiency of Embedded System; 1 Introduction; 2 Related Work; 2.1 Resource Substitution; 2.2 Sources of Energy Optimization; 2.3 Instruction Selection and Ordering; 2.4 Minimizing Memory Access Costs; 2.5 Algorithm Selection; 3 Objective; 4 Experimental Setup.

4.1 Energy Calculation Using the 8051 Custom Board4.2 Energy Calculation Using EFM32 Board; 4.3 Energy Estimation Using PIN Tool; 5 Observation and Results; 5.1 Results for the Custom 8051 Board; 5.2 Results for the EFM32 Board; 5.3 Software Energy Estimation Using PIN; 5.4 Validation of Models; 6 Conclusions; References; Part III Image Processing; Ternary Quantum Circuit for Color Image Representation; 1 Introduction; 2 Proposed Models for Color Image Representation; 2.1 First Approach Based on Modified FRQI Model.

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