

Part I. What are superminds?: Would you recognize a supermind if you saw it on the street? ; Can a group take an intelligence test?
Part II. How can computers help make superminds smarter?: How will people work with computers? ; How much general intelligence will computers have? ; How can groups of people and computers think more intelligently?
Part III. How can superminds make smarter decisions?: Smarter hierarchies ; Smarter democracies ; Smarter markets ; Smarter communities ; Smarter ecosystems ; Which superminds are best for which decisions?
Part IV. How can superminds create more intelligently?: Bigger is (often) smarter ; How can we work together in new ways?
Part V. How else can superminds think more intelligently?: Smarter sensing ; Smarter remembering ; Smarter learning
Part VI. How can superminds help solve our problems?: Corporate strategic planning ; Climate change ; Risks of artificial intelligence
Part VII. Where are we headed?: Hello, internet, are you awake? ; The global mind.

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