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Intro; Preface; Contents; Studying Structure and Function of the Heart Cells Using Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy; Introduction; The Technique of SICM; History; Setup; Principle; Imaging of the Heart Cell Topography by SICM; Cardiomyocytes; Endothelial Cells; Combining Cardiomyocyte Structure with Function; Super-Resolution Scanning Patch-Clamp; SICM-FRET; Scanning Laser Confocal Microscopy; SICM as a Mechanical Probe; Cell Volume Measurements by SICM; Summary; References; Optical Sectioning Microscopy at `Temporal Super-Resolution;́ General Introduction; Confocal Microscopy

Single Beam OptionsMulti Beam Options; Analysis Algorithms; Examples from Cardiac Ca2+-Handling; Non-linear Microscopy; Multi Photon Microscopy; SHG Imaging; Light-Sheet Imaging; Conclusions; References; Quantitative Super-Resolution Microscopy of Cardiomyocytes; Background; Issues with Conventional Optical Imaging for Cardiac Studies; Optical Super-Resolution Imaging; Optical Super-Resolution Techniques Roundup; Applications of SMLM to Cardiac Preparations; Novel Insights into the Distribution of RyRs in Myocytes

Use of Multi-Colour and Quantitative dSTORM for Resolving Further Junctional FeaturesJunctophilin-2; T-system; Methodological Considerations: Adaptating Localisation Microscopy for the Study of Cardiac Muscle; SMLM Imaging Principles: dSTORM; Fluorophores and Sample Preparation; Anatomy of an SMLM Apparatus; Image Analysis for Obtaining Super-Resolution Images; Considerations in Achieving Super-Resolution Imaging; Considerations in Quantifying Structures and Labelling Densities; Outlook; Conclusion; References; Caged Compounds: Applications in Cardiac Muscle Research; Introduction

Caged Compounds: General PropertiesApplications of Caged Compounds in Cardiac Muscle Research; Ca2+ Signaling; Caged Ca2+ Compounds; Example Studies with Caged Ca2+ Compounds; L-type Ca2+ Current; Na+-Ca2+ Exchange Current; Activation of CICR; Termination of CICR; Regulation and Pathology of CICR; Muscle Contraction and Related Compounds; ATP Hydrolysis, Activation of Tension and Rigor Force Decay; ATP-Sensitive K+ Channels; Cardiac Regulatory Mechanisms and Related Compounds; Caged cAMP; Caged InsP3; Various Caged Compounds; General Considerations for the Use of Caged Compounds

Light Sources and IlluminationFlash Lamps; Pulsed Lasers; Diode Lasers and Light Emitting Diodes (LED); Localized and Two-Photon Excitation; Loading of the Cells with Caged Compounds; Patch Pipette; Cell Permeant Caged Compounds; Limitations of the Technique and the Compounds; Stability and Shelf Life; Formation of Phototoxic By-Products; Absorbance and Quantum Yield; New Developments: Outlook; Enhanced Caging Groups and Probes Optimized for Two-Photon Photolysis; New Spectral Windows for Multicolor Excitation Photolysis; Optogenetics; References

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