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Pre- and post-quantum diffie-hellman from groups, actions, and isogenies
A new family of pairing-friendly elliptic curves
superspecial hyperelliptic curves of genus 4 over small finite fields
Fast computation of isomorphisms between finite fields using elliptic curves
construction of some codes suitable for both side channel and fault injection attacks
On hardware implementation of tang-maitra boolean functions
rapid hardware design for cryptographic modules with filtering structures over small finite fields
Sequences with low correlation
Vector-valued modular forms on finite upper half planes
Normal basis exhaustive search
On symmetry and differential properties of generalized boolean functions
Characterizations of partially bent and plateaued functions over finite fields
Codes of length two correcting single errors of limited size II
Fractional jumps: complete characterisation and an explicit infinite family
Some sextics of genera five and seven attaining the serre bound
Direct constructions of (involutory) MDS matrices from block vandermonde and cauchy-like matrices
Exploiting preprocessing for quantum search to break parameters for MQ cryptosystems.

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