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Introduction: Race and education at the dawn of the twenty-first century / Philathia Bolton, Cassander L. Smith, and Lee Bebout
What "everyone knows" : teaching Ferguson in St. Louis / Corinne Wohlford
Resisting the single story in an Arizona classroom / Anita Huizar-Hernandez
Resisting impulses and the challenges of teaching race in the early American ethnic studies classroom / Cassander L. Smith
Walls and bridges : teaching culture and diversity to pre-service teachers / Stuart Rhoden
Multiple strands of resistance : teaching African American literature in a maximum-security prison / Briana Whiteside
Relief and resistance : student emotions in a majority-minority ethnic studies classroom / Magdalena L. Barrera
The hoop of learning : inclusion, collaboration, and education for Indigenous American youth / Travis Franks and Kyle Mitchell
How we lost our academic freedom : difference and the teaching of ethnic and gender studies / John Streamas
Onward into the discomfort : teaching for racial justice in an era of media outrage, the alt-right, and the neoliberal university / Lee Bebout
Virtually White : teaching race in online classes / Dan Colson
Toward a pedagogy of presence, or how I nearly lost my body to the neoliberal academy / Drew Lopenzina
Teaching Whiteness in the neoliberal university : positionality, privilege, resistance, and transformation / Marguerite Anne Fillion Wilson
Frangible Whiteness : teaching race in the context of White fragility / Marcia D. Nichols and Jennifer A. Wacek
Some of my students are leprechauns (or why it is difficult for White college students to understand that racism is still a big deal) / Carmen R. Lugo-Lugo
Exploring the development of immigrant fiction : the pedagogy of counter-narratives / Umme Al-wazedi
The potential of a moment : race literacy and Black American literature / Philathia Bolton
Teaching Asian American literature in the urban multicultural classroom : reflexive practice, cultural politics, and the problem of identity within a transnational framework / Jungah Kim
Conclusion: Back to the classroom / Philathia Bolton, Cassander L. Smith, and Lee Bebout.

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