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Part I Tragedy: General; Chapter 1 Homeric and Tragic Sacrifice; Postscript; Chapter 2 Dionysos as Destroyer of the Household: Homer, Tragedy and the Polis; 1. Maenadic Andromakhe in the Iliad; 2. Maenadic Andromakhe and Wedding Ritual; 3. Maenadic Antigone and Wedding Ritual; 4. Maenadism and Marriage Ritual; 5. Euadne; 6. Iole; 7. Kassandra; 8. Three Generalisations; 9. Dionysos, Household and Polis; 10. Tragedy: A Dionysiac Pattern; 11. Homeric Exclusions; Postscript; Chapter 3 Dionysos, Money and Drama

Money and the Dionysiac ThiasosTragic Isolation; Postscript; Chapter 4 Tragic Money; 1. Introduction; 2. Does Money Have Limits?; 3. Aeschylus: Agamemnon; 4. Sophocles: Antigone; 5. Euripides: Electra; Postscript; Chapter 5 Tragic Tyranny; Three Tyrannical Characteristics; Prometheus Bound and Oresteia; Democratic Ideology; Does the Tyrant Embody the Polis? Antigone and Bacchae; Might the Tyrant Symbolise the Polis? Oedipus Tyrannus; Postscript; Chapter 6 Aeschylus and the Unity of Opposites; 1. Lamentation; 2. Mystic Initiation; 3. Mystery Cult, Lamentation, Tragedy

4. Differentiation of United Opposites in the Oresteia5. Permanent Resolution; Postscript; Part II Performance and the Mysteries; Chapter 7 The 'Hyporchema' of Pratinas; Postscript; Chapter 8 The Politics of the Mystic Chorus; 1. Capitalist Space; 2. Ancient Greek Processions; 3. The Mystic Chorus; 4. Cosmos and Mystic Chorus; 5. The Solidarity of the Mystic Chorus; 6. Chorus and Powerful Individual; 7. The Politicisation of the Dithyramb; 8. Public and Private Space; Chapter 9 Immortality, Salvation and the Elements

1. The Association of Prometheus with the Titans in His Parentage, Punishment and ReleaseThe Prometheia and Hesiod; The Mysticism of Magna Graecia; 2. The Cosmological Elements; The Prometheia; The Presocratics and Mystic Doctrine; 3. The Crowning of Prometheus; Postscript; Chapter 10 Sophocles and the Mysteries; Postscript; Part III Tragedy and Death Ritual; Chapter 11 The Last Bath of Agamemnon; Postscript; Chapter 12 The Destruction of Limits in Sophocles' Electra; Postscript; Part IV Tragedy and Marriage; Chapter 13 The Tragic Wedding; 1. Introductory; 2. The Girl About to Be Married

3. The Death of the Wife4. The Extramarital Union; Postscript; Chapter 14 The Structural Problems of Marriage in Euripides; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; Postscript; Part V New Testament; Chapter 15 1 Corinthians 13.12: 'Through a Glass Darkly'; Postscript; Chapter 16 Thunder, Lightning and Earthquake in the Bacchae and the Acts of the Apostles; 1; 2; 3; Postscript; Part VI The Inner Self; Chapter 17 Monetisation and the Genesis of the Western Subject; Sohn-Rethel and the Transcendental Subject; The Homeric Psyche; Money and Psyche; Reincarnation; Parmenides and Plato; Postscript

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