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Publisher's note
Historical timeline
1. The opium odyssey : the power of the plant (1860)
2. America's favorite drug : alcohol : the second-most deadly drug (1855)
3. Cannabis history and use : the case against marijuana (1910s)
4. Treating the disease : the beginning of drug rehabilitation (1785)
5. Delicious refreshment : the introduction of cocaine (1859)
6. Regulation begins : state laws and the addiction crisis (1894)
7. Truth in advertising : the creation of the FDA (1906)
8. Criminalizing addiction : the Harrison Narcotics Act (1914)
9. Prohibition begins : the power of minorities (1926)
10. The end of prohibition : ineffective at reducing alcohol use (1932)
11. Criminalizing cannabis : the Marijuana Tax Act (1937)
12. Mandatory minimums : punitive approach ineffective (1951)
13. Utopian visions : hallucinogens in America (1960s)
14. Public enemy number one : Nixon's war on drugs (1972)
15. Harm reduction : the introduction of Methadone (1972)
16. A traditionalist radical : Jimmy Carter and the drug debate (1977)
17. The Quaalude problem : from popular sedative to dangerous recreational drug (1984)
18. The rise of the cartels : the international drug trade (1980s)
19. Reagan and the crack controversy : crack vs. cocaine (1982)
20. The difficultly of saying no : implementing Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) (1986)

21. The Meth saga : Crystal Meth and the motorcycle gangs (1990s)
22. The racial dimension : drugs and mass incarceration (1995)
23. Medical marijuana : California is the first to legalize (1995-2018)
24. Scheduling addiction : Drug addiction Treatment Act (2000)
25. The legalization movement : states begin to legalize marijuana (2012)
26. Searching for a better brain : drug your way to high grades (2010)
27. The new opioid problem : prescription drugs gone wrong (2018)
28. Treatment options : success of medication-assisted addiction treatment (2018)
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