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Publisher's note
Historical timeline.
1. From immigration to sovereigns: the United States before nationhood
2. Becoming American: the naturalization process (1790-1798)
3. Friends and enemies: immigration and national security collide (1798)
4. The green menace: the Know-Nothings and the Nativist Movement (1800-1850s)
5. Marrying citizenship: women and immigrants' rights (1850-1855)
6. Encouraging immigration:the Civil War and the nation's first and only: pro-immigration period (1860-1864)
7. The color of citizenship: post-war immigration policy (1870-1875)
8. The east in the west: railroads, coolies, and racism (1800-1868)
9. The Chinese problem goes federal: racism becomes Federal law (1860-1890)
10. Centralizing immigration policy: the birth of the INS (1824-1891)
11. Symbolizing immigration: the Federal Immigration Centers (1892-1910)
12. The undesirables: eugenics and economics in immigrant exclusion policies (1840-1917)
13. The war on anarchy: the anarchist exclusion and Turner v. Williams (1886-1917)
14. The immigration race: World War I and the Immigration Act of 1917
15. The end of mass migration: the beginning of the quota system (1920-1925)
16. Down Mexico way: Mexican repatriation and the Great Depression (1929-1939)
17. America's favored Asians: Chinese exclusion and Japanese internment (1941-1945)
18. America's reluctant humanitarianism: refugees during and after World War II (1937-1950)

19. The last of western civilization: the Cold War and the McCarran-Walter Act (1950-1958)
20. Opportunity and exploitation: the Bracero Program (1917-1964)
21. Liberty and progress: Hart-Celler and the end of America's racial engineering (1960-1965)
22. Cold war refugees: the South Asian and Cuban refugee crises (1975-1980)
23. Aliens are out there: changing attitudes on immigration
24. Immigrant rights and welfare: immigrant children and the Sanctuary Movement (1980-1990)
25. The end of the Cold War: immigration law and diversity
26. Terrorism gets in the way: immigration and the Latino conservative movement
27. Immigration in the age of fear: from ICE to NSEERS to Islamophobia (2001-2008)
28. The great wall of America: the border wall debate
29. The American dreamers: the dreamers and DACA (2012-2018)
30. The fight for American ideology: the travel ban and American religious identity (2016-2018)
31. Open or closed: immigration and globalization
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