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1 Introduction; Sullan politics and the early 70s bc; Sallust's Historiae, Sulla and stability; Part One Negotiating the End of Sulla; 2 80 bc The pro Roscio Vanishes; Sulla in 80 bc: consul or tyrant?; Saying what can't be said: unfulfillable promises; 3 79 bc The Turning Tide; The exiled, the excluded and Lepidus' son, Scipio Lepidi filius; Control; Part Two Counter-revolution; 4 Urban Conflict and Etrurian Tumult Formulating 78-77 bc

Appian on 78-77 bc: a harbinger of things to comeSallust's Lepidus: like and unlike Catiline; The judgement of Livy: exile, civil war and political morality; By what name?; 5 More Than Catiline, Less Than Caesar The Politics of M. Aemilius Lepidus, cos. 78 bc; The political aims of Lepidus: the evidence; The year 78 bc; 6 After Sulla; After Lepidus; Injustice; Popular politics; Unresolved trauma; Part Three Sallust and the Political Culture of Rome after Sulla; 7 Autocracy and Stability Moving Beyond the 'Problems' of the Speech of Lepidus; 8 Dominatio and Deceit Sallust on Pompey

9 Hostile Politics (I) Political Discourse after SullaThe construction of a hostile politics; Sallust and the political discourse of the 70s; 10 Hostile Politics (II) Sallust's Historiae; Epilogue Legitimacy and the End of the Republic; Appendix A Evidence for the Activities of M. Aemilius Lepidus, cos. 78 bc; Appendix B 'Problems' in Sallust's Speech of Lepidus; Notes; Works Cited; Index locorum; Index

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