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Foreword / Lisa Sowle Cahill
Introduction. Catholic bioethics meets Catholic social thought: the problematic, a primer, and a plan
Part one. Accompanying vulnerable communities
Chapter 1. Health care providers on the frontline: responding to the gun violence epidemic / Michelle Byrne, MD, MPH, Virginia McCarthy, Abigail Silva, and Sharon Homan
Chapter 2. Catholic bioethics and invisible problems: human trafficking, clinical care, and social strategy / Alan Sanders, Kelly R. Herron, and Carly Mesnick
Chapter 3. Far from disadvantaged: encountering persons with mental illness / Abraham M. Nussbaum, MD
Chapter 4. Integral ecology in Catholic health care: a case study for health care and community to accelerate equity / Cory D. Mitchell, Armand Andreoni, and Lena Hatchett
Part Two. Countering injustice in the patient-physician encounter
Chapter 5. Neglected voices at the beginning of life: prenatal genetics and reproductive justice / Aana Marie Vigen
Chapter 6. Bewildering accompaniment: the ethics of caring for gender non-conforming children and adolescents / Michael McCarthy
Chapter 7. Greening the end of life: refracting clinical ethics through an ecological prism / Cristina Richie
Chapter 8. Racial disparities at the end of life and the Catholic social tradition / Sheri Bartlett Browne and Christian Cintron
Part Three. Incarnating a just workplace
Chapter 9. Unions in Catholic health care: a paradox / Daniel P. Dwyer
Chapter 10. Inviting the neighborhood into the hospital: diversifying our health care organizations / Robert J. Gordon
Chapter 11. The rocky road of women and health care: a gender roadmap / Jana Marguerite Bennett
Chapter 12. Continuing the ministry of mission doctors / Brian Medernach, MD, and Antoinette Lullo, DO

Part Four. Leading for social responsibility
Chapter 13. A call to conversion: toward a Catholic environmental bioethics and environmentally responsible health care / Ron Hamel
Chapter 14. DACA and institutional solidarity / Mark Kuczewski
Chapter 15. Reframing outsourcing / M. Therese Lysaught and Robert J. DeVita
Chapter 16. Catholic health care and population health: insights from Catholic social thought / Michael Panicola and Rachelle Barina
Part Five. Embodying global solidarity
Chapter 17. Body politics: medicine, the church, and the scandal of borders / Brian Volck, MD
Chapter 18. Creating partnerships to strengthen global health systems / Bruce Compton
Chapter 19. Non-communicable and chronic diseases in developing countries: putting palliative care on the global health agenda / Alexandre Andrade Martins, MI
Chapter 20. Humanitarian ethics: from dignity and solidarity to response and research / Dónal O'Mathúna
Part Six. Reimagining frontiers
Chapter 21. Research as a restorative practice: Catholic social teaching and the ethics of biomedical research / Jorge José Ferrer, SJ
Chapter 22. Environmental ethics as bioethics / Andrea Vicini, SJ, MD, and Tobias Winright
Chapter 23. A social bioethics of genetics / Hille Haker
Chapter 24. For-profit health care: an economic perspective / Charles M.A. Clark

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