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Introduction: The New, but New with G*d / Elena V. Shabliy
Women's Labor Activism in the Progressive Era and Marie Van Vorst's Amanda of the Mill as a Social Propaganda Tool / Emine Gecgil
"I have been wronged, and I long to right myself at once": Revenge, Deceit and Female Power in Louisa May Alcott's Sensational Short Fiction / Evangelia Kindinger
Who's Afraid of Women Photographers? Redefining Gender, Gaze, and Photography in Amy Levy's The Romance of a Shop / Mavis Chia-Chieh Tseng
Rediscovering London in Ella Hepworth Dixon's The Story of a Modern Woman / Sun Jai Kim
The First "New Woman" in Modern Hebrew Literature: Finalia Adelberg in Love of The Righteous, or, The Persecuted Families by Sarah Feiga Meinkin / Michal Fram Cohen
Gendering the Empire: The Discourse on the New Woman and Emergence of Ottoman Feminism, 1860-1918 / Burcin Cakir
Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda: A Feminist Life and its Discourse / Laureano Corces
Harriet Beecher Stowe and Two Fin de Siècle Women Writers / Afrin Zeenat
Women's Roles in Mass Literacy, Production, and Sensation in George Gissing's New Grub Street / Robin M. Mako Citarella.

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