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Greek tragedy in the fourth century: the fragments / Vayos Liapis & Theodoros K. Stephanopoulos
The rhesus / Almut Fries
Hellenistic tragedy and satyr-drama; Lycophron's Alexandra / Simon Hornblower
The Exagōgē of Ezekiel the tragedian / Pierluigi Lanfranchi
Contexts and developments
Beyond Athens: the expansion of Greek tragedy from the fourth century onwards / Brigitte Le Guen
Theater performance after the fifth century / Anne Duncan & Vayos Liapis
Music and dance in tragedy after the fifth century / Mark Griffith
The fifth century and after: (dis)continuities in Greek tragedy / Francis Dunn
Society and politics in post-fifth century tragedy / David M. Carter
Transmission and reception
Attitudes towards tragedy from the second sophistic to late antiquity / Ruth Webb
Scholars and scholarship on tragedy / Johanna Hanink.

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