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1. Introduction to Functional Behavioral Assessment; A Functional Perspective; What Is FBA?; FBA Methods; Indirect Assessment; Descriptive Assessment; Experimental Analysis; Treatment Analysis; FBA and Philosophy; Philosophical Doubt; Empiricism; Interactionism; Behavioral Compassion; Behavioral Empathy; FBA and Problem Solving; Phase 1: Identification and Description of Interfering Behavior; Phase 2: Recording Current Levels of Interfering Behaviors

Phase 3: Identifying and Describing Antecedent, Consequence,and Associated VariablesPhase 4: Conceptual Synthesis; Phase 5: Linking Assessment Data to Interventions; Phase 6: Implementation; Phase 7: Progress Monitoring; Summary; 2. Professional Standards and Ethical Considerations; National Association of School Psychologists; Behavior Analyst Certification Board; Who Is Qualified to Conduct an FBA?; Behavioral Skills Training to Promote and Maintain FBA Competencies; Resources to Support and Evaluate Competencies in FBA; Functional Behavioral Assessment Competency Scale

Functional Behavioral Assessment Procedural ChecklistSummary; Form 2.1. Functional Behavioral Assessment Competency Scale (FBACS); Form 2.2. Functional Behavioral Assessment Procedural Checklist (FBAPC); Form 2.3. Functional Behavioral Assessment Informed Consent Form; 3. Conceptual Foundations of Functional Behavioral Assessment; Functional Antecedents and Consequences; Consequence Variables; Positive Reinforcement; Negative Reinforcement; Individually Mediated, Socially Mediated, and Automatic Reinforcement; Antecedent Variables; Discriminative Stimuli; Motivating Operations; SDs and MOs

Antecedents and Consequences: A SummaryAdditional Behavior-Analytic Terms and Concepts; Response Classes (When It Rains . . . It Pours); Response Class Hierarchies (First the Sky Darkens, Then There Is Thunder and Lightning Followed by a Light Rain . . . Then It Pours); The Matching Law; Summary; 4. Behavior Analysis of Medical Conditions, Emotions, and Thoughts; Biological and Medical Influences on Behavior; How Exactly Do Biological and Medical Variables Affect Interfering Behaviors?; The Influence of Emotions on Behavior; How Exactly Do Emotions Affect Interfering Behaviors?

The Influence of Thoughts on BehaviorHow Exactly Do Thoughts (Covert Verbal Behaviors) Affect Interfering Behaviors?; Summary; 5. Executive Skills; Executive Skills: A Brief Introduction; Executive Skills Intervention; Intervention Example 1: Response Inhibition; Intervention Example 2: Flexibility; Summary; Form 5.1. Executive Skills Questionnaire for Parents/Teachers; Form 5.2. Executive Skills Questionnaire for Students; Form 5.3. Executive Skills Problem Checklist, Elementary Version-Teacher; Form 5.4. Executive Skills Problem Checklist, Middle/High School Version

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