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1. Memory, Time and History; 2. The Divine Nature and Transtemporal Power of Memory; 3. The Impact of the Introduction of Writing on Greek...; 4. Memory and Archives; 5. The Persistence of Memory as a Powerful Divinity; 6. The Dynamic Tension between Memory and Forgetting; 7. Memory, Cognition and Knowledge; 8. Memory, Reciprocity, Justice and Retribution; 9. Memory and Gender; 10. Objects
Monuments or Relics
and Places...

Part I Archaic and Early Classical Configurations of MemoryChapter 1 Women and Memory: The Iliad and the Kosovo Cycle; Chapter 2 Speaking in the Wax Tablets of Memory; 1 Song as Memory; 2 The Mind as Writing-tablet; 3 The Written Text as a Form of Memory; Part II Memory and Forgetting in the Classical Period; Chapter 3 Economies of Memory in Greek Tragedy; 1 Introduction; 2 Marked and Unmarked Remembering, by Individuals and Groups; 3 Memory and Failed Reciprocities in Sophocles' Ajax; 4 Euripides on How to Ensure Proper Remembrance of Things Past

Chapter 4 Aristophanes and his Muses, or Memory in a Comic Key1 Mnemosyne and the Comic Muses; 2 Memory, Learning, Acting and Performing; 2.1 Musical Memory, Action and Reception; 2.2 Musical Training; 3 Reciprocity, Scorn and Civic Memories; 4 Conclusion; Chapter 5 Memory, the Orators, and the Public in Fourth-century bc Athens; Chapter 6 The Place and Nature of Memory in Greek Historiography; 1 The Fading of Poetic Memory; 2 Herodotus as the Mnemon; 3 The Psychological and Epistemic Fragility of Mnēmē; 4 Monuments and Honorific Accounts; 5 As a Conclusion

Chapter 7 Lyric Oblivion: When Sappho Taught Socrates How to Forget1 Sappho on the Ilissus; 2 Plato's Hymn to Memory; 3 Beneficial Oblivion: The Broader Picture; 4 Recollection and Oblivion; 5 In The Name of Helen; 6 The 'Mother of the Speech' and the 'Possessor of Beauty'; Chapter 8 Socratic Forgetfulness and Platonic Irony; 1 Introduction; 2 The Privative Model of Forgetfulness; 3 Facing the Memorious Meno; 4 Facing Protagoras: Socrates' Active Forgetfulness; 5 Conclusion; Chapter 9 Memory and Recollection in Plato's Philebus: Use and Definitions; 1 Introduction; 2 Memory; 3 Recollection

4 Memory and Recollection5 The Scribe; 6 The Painter; 7 Conclusion; Chapter 10 Is Memory of the Past? Aristotle on the Objects of Memory; 1 Memory, Images and Likenesses; 2 Memory of Intelligible Objects; 3 Conclusion; Part III Hellenistic Configurations of Memory; Chapter 11 Hellenistic Cultural Memory: Helen and Menelaus Between Heroic Fiction...; 1 Helen and Menelaus: a Paradigmatic Couple; 1.1 An Outstanding Husband's Happiness; 1.2 A Young Bride's Diaphanous Beauty; 2 Enunciative Movements and Narrative Procedures; 2.1 The Choral We and the Written Voice

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