Linked e-resources


Battlefields: places of fighting
Cemeteries: places of mourning
Memorials: places of memory
Buildings: enduring places

The church in the maelstrom / Stephen Berry
My cave life in hospital / Sarah E. Gardner
The triangular field and devil's den / J. Matthew Gallman
Camp Allegheny / A. Wilson Greene
Bridge to the past / Caroline E. Janney
An unknown grave / Peter S. Carmichael
Boundaries of memory at the Sand Creek site / Ari Kelman
Ceding the high ground of hindsight / Aaron Sheehan-Dean
Hidden in plain sight: the Los Angeles National Cemetery / Joan Waugh
A "rightful place": the graves of George and Lasalle Pickett, Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia / Lesley J. Gordon
Black lives at Arlington National Cemetery: from slavery to segregation / William A. Blair
At Nathaniel Bowditch's grave / Frances M. Clarke
Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall: a place for quiet reflection / Carol Reardon
Sherman at the Plaza / Stephen Cushman
Memory's past and future: Harvard's Memorial Hall / Drew Gilpin Faust
In the thickets of history and memory: using Charlottesville's Confederate memorial landscape / Gary W. Gallagher
The people for whom he saved the union: the Lincoln Memorial / Judith Giesberg
The Emancipation Oak: commemorating freedom, family, and intellectual pursuit / Brenda E. Stevenson
Forging the Confederacy / Edward L. Ayers
Cedar Hill: Frederick Douglass's personal Civil War museum for a public man / David W. Blight
Surrender grounds: the McLean house at Appomattox / Elizabeth R. Varon
The crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood: John Brown at the Charles Town court house / Stephen D. Engle
My soldiers' home / James Marten
The Green-Meldrim house / Jacqueline Jones
A room of his own / Catherine Clinton
Thoughts about shooting the images in Civil War places / Will Gallagher.

