Table of Contents
Prologue. Pagmapak : in modern times / Heidi Aklaseaq Senungetuk
Music, modernity, and indigeneity : introductory notes / Victoria Lindsay Levine
The oldest songs they remember : Frances Densmore, Mountain Chief, and ethnomusicology's ideologies of modernity / David W. Samuels
Reclaiming indigeneity : music in Mi'kmaw funeral practices / Gordon E. Smith
Indigenous activism and women's voices in Canada : the music of Asani / Anna Hoefnagels
Hip-hop is resistance : indigeneity on the U.S.-Mexico border / Christina Leza
Singing and dancing idle no more : round dances as indigenous activism / Elyse Carter Vosen
Get tribal : cosmopolitan worlds and indigenous consciousness in hip-hop / T. Christopher Aplin
Native "noise" and the politics of powwow musicking in a university soundscape / John-Carlos Perea
Powwow and indigenous modernities : traditional music, public education, and child welfare / Byron Dueck
Inuit sound worlding and audioreelism in flying wild Alaska / Jessica Bissett Perea
Native classical music : Non:wa (now) / Dawn Avery
Speaking to water, singing to stone : Peter Morin, Rebecca Belmore, and the ontologies of indigenous modernity / Dylan Robinson
Purposefully reflecting on tradition and modernity / Beverley Diamond
Pu' itaaqatsit aw tuuqayta (listening to our modern lives) / Trevor Reed.
Music, modernity, and indigeneity : introductory notes / Victoria Lindsay Levine
The oldest songs they remember : Frances Densmore, Mountain Chief, and ethnomusicology's ideologies of modernity / David W. Samuels
Reclaiming indigeneity : music in Mi'kmaw funeral practices / Gordon E. Smith
Indigenous activism and women's voices in Canada : the music of Asani / Anna Hoefnagels
Hip-hop is resistance : indigeneity on the U.S.-Mexico border / Christina Leza
Singing and dancing idle no more : round dances as indigenous activism / Elyse Carter Vosen
Get tribal : cosmopolitan worlds and indigenous consciousness in hip-hop / T. Christopher Aplin
Native "noise" and the politics of powwow musicking in a university soundscape / John-Carlos Perea
Powwow and indigenous modernities : traditional music, public education, and child welfare / Byron Dueck
Inuit sound worlding and audioreelism in flying wild Alaska / Jessica Bissett Perea
Native classical music : Non:wa (now) / Dawn Avery
Speaking to water, singing to stone : Peter Morin, Rebecca Belmore, and the ontologies of indigenous modernity / Dylan Robinson
Purposefully reflecting on tradition and modernity / Beverley Diamond
Pu' itaaqatsit aw tuuqayta (listening to our modern lives) / Trevor Reed.