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Table of Contents
State feminism and the woman question
A brief history of women's activism in domestic political context: Case 1: Bulgaria
Emancipated women and anti-communism in the American political imagination
A brief history of women's activism in domestic political context: Case 2: Zambia
Sandwiched between superpowers
The lead up to International Women's Year
Historic gatherings in Mexico and the German Democratic Republic
Preparing for the mid-decade conference
The third week in July
School for solidarity
Strategizing for Nairobi
Showdown in Kenya.
A brief history of women's activism in domestic political context: Case 1: Bulgaria
Emancipated women and anti-communism in the American political imagination
A brief history of women's activism in domestic political context: Case 2: Zambia
Sandwiched between superpowers
The lead up to International Women's Year
Historic gatherings in Mexico and the German Democratic Republic
Preparing for the mid-decade conference
The third week in July
School for solidarity
Strategizing for Nairobi
Showdown in Kenya.