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Part 1: Concrete properties and initiation period processes
Effect of LDH nano-flakes on the mechanical and transport properties of lightweight concrete, by Z. Y. Qu, Q.L. Yu, and H.J.H. Brouwers
Using thymolphthalein for accelerated carbonation testing of high volume fly ash cementitious blends, by Rui Reis, Aires Camões, and Manuel Ribeiro
Durability and Mechanical Properties of CNT Cement Composites, by Carmen Camacho-Ballesta, Óscar Galao, Francisco Javier Baeza, Emilio Zornoza, and Pedro Garcés
Advances in coal bottom ash use as a new common Portland cement constituent, by Cristina Argiz, Esperanza Menéndez, and Amparo Moragues
Part 2: Techniques of characterization of corrosion and degradation
Numerical Simulations for the detection of leakages in bridge deck membranes through resistivity measurements, by Carla Driessen and Michael Raupach
Numerical and experimental development of gradient potential measurement for corrosion detection in reinforced concrete, by S. Garcia and F. Deby
Advances in Characterization of Gas Transport in Concrete: Determination of Oxygen Diffusion Coefficient from Permeability Coefficient and Porosity, by P. Linares, C. Andrade, and D. Baza
Petrographic Study of Siliceous Aggregates. Parametric Calculus of the Reactivity With the Alkalis, by R. García-Rovés Loza, E. Méndez, and N. Prendes Rubiera
Part 3: Behaviour of corroded structures
Corrosion-Induced Degradation of Reinforced Concrete Elements: Preliminary Results, by O. Loukil, L. Adelaide, V. Bouteiller, M. Quiertant, T. Chaussadent, F.Ragueneau, X. Bourbon, and L. Trenty
Part 4: Corrosion prevention and repair techniques
Development of a test Method for the Durability of Carbon Textiles under Anodic Polarisation, by Amir Asgharzadeh and Michael Raupach
Corrosion processes of carbonated chloride-contaminated reinforced concrete and electrochemical chloride extraction (ECE) efficiency, by Yolaine Tissier, Véronique Bouteiller, Elisabeth Marie Victoire, Suzanne Joiret, and Thierry Chaussadent.

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