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Intro; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; Part I: Overview of Gender Budgeting: Conceptual Underpinnings and Contestations; 1: Introducing Gender Budgeting in Europe; Introduction; Significance and Potential of Gender Budgeting; Key Aims and Themes of the Book; Origins of This Volume; Outline Structure of This Volume; References; 2: Conceptual and Institutional Origins of Gender Budgeting; Introduction; Conceptualising Gender and Budgets; Challenging the Institution of the Budget

Historical Conceptual and Institutional Development of Gender Budgeting Conceptual Tensions; Early Examples of Gender Budgeting Practice; Gender Budgeting as Feminist Policy Change; Conclusion; References; 3: A Brief Overview of Gender Budgeting in Europe; Gender Budgeting in Europe: A Diverse and Growing Field; The Beginnings: Emergence of Gender Budgeting in the Context of Feminist Economics and the World Women's Conference in Beijing; Building on Global Experience: Momentum Created by the High-Level Conference on Gender Budgeting in 2001

Falling Back: The 2007-2008 Financial Crisis, Bank Bailouts, and the Era of Austerity Policy Renewed Momentum for GB in Recent Years; The State of Play in 2017; Civil Society; International Organizations and Donor Countries; Scope of Gender Budgeting Implementation; References; 4: Challenges of Austerity and Retrenchment of Gender Equality; Introduction; Politics of Austerity: Institutional Shifts and Severe Gender Equality Implications; Gendered Implications of Continued Fiscal Squeeze and Ongoing Transformations of the Role of the State

Shifting Balance of Influence over Policymakin gGender Equality Impacts of EU Economic Governance at Country Level; Austerity Policies and Gender Equality in Italy; Austerity Policies and Gender Equality in Spain; Perspectives: Gender Budgeting as Alternative Crisis Management; References; Part II: Gender Budget Analysis and Methods; 5: Gender Equality Impact Assessment: A Core Element of Gender Budgeting; Introduction: Why Assess the Gender Equality Impact of Policy?; On Which Inequalities?; Distributional Gender Inequalities; Household Income; Individual Income; Public Services

Behavioural Gender Inequalities Labour Force Participation and Employment; Unpaid Work; Some Principles of Gender Impact Assessment; Impacts of Fiscal Policy at Different Levels; The Macroeconomic Level; The Meso or Sectoral Level; The Micro level; Conclusion; References; 6: Developments in Practice: Methodologies and Approaches to Gender Budgeting; Introduction; Typology of Gender Budgeting Approaches and Methods in Practice; Approaches to Integrating GB Throughout the Budget Process; Mainstreaming Gender Perspectives into the Whole Process of Public Finance Management

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