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Intro; Contents; Editors and Contributors; List of Tables; 1 Women and the Criminal Justice System-Moving Beyond the Silo; References; Part I Women as Victims and Offenders; 2 Rape Myths in the Criminal Justice System; Introduction; Rape Myths; The Legal Framework, Consent and Rape Myths in Court; Legal Professionals' Attitudes and Practice; The Impact of Rape Myths on Juror Decision-Making; Complainants' Experiences of Court; Efforts to Challenge Rape Myths in the Courtroom; What Has Been Done?; Crown Prosecution Service; Judicial Studies Board

Evaluating the Efforts of the CPS and Judicial Studies BoardWhere Do We Go from Here?; Conclusions; References; 3 False Allegations of Sexual Violence: The Reality; Introduction; Newspaper Reporting of False Allegations and Rape Prosecutions; False Allegations and Misunderstandings Surrounding Rape; Prosecuting False Allegations; Conclusion; References; 4 Domestic Abuse: Predicting, Assessing and Responding to Risk in the Criminal Justice System and Beyond; Introduction; Defining Domestic Abuse; Understanding and Responding to Domestic Abuse; Predicting Domestic Abuse in Essex

Individual, Family, and Interpersonal-Level RiskNeighbourhood Level; Improving Police Responses to Domestic Abuse; Policing Domestic Violence-Risk; Policing Domestic Abuse-Professional Practice; A Women's Sector and Criminal Justice System Alliance: A Strategy Against Domestic Abuse; Specialist Domestic Violence Courts; Conclusion; References; 5 Criminalising Neonaticide: Reflections on Law and Practice in England and Wales; Introduction; What Is Neonaticide?; Criminalising 'Neonaticide'; The Born Alive Rule; Criminalising Neglect; Impact of Mental State on Mental Fault Requirements

Criminal Justice Practice in Cases of NeonaticideThe Neonaticidal Woman and the Criminal Justice System-Some Reflections; References; 6 Understanding Violent Women; Introduction; Women Who Kill; Women as Child Sexual Abusers; Understanding Gender Norms; Conclusion; References; Part II The Criminal Justice System: Failing or Improving?; 7 Sentencing Women in the Transformed Probation Landscape; Introduction; Gender and Sentencing; Policy and Legislative Developments; Methods and Data; Findings; Sentencing Women Differently?; Developments Under the Offender Rehabilitation Act

Knowledge of Gender-Specific ProvisionThe Suitability of Unpaid Work Requirements; Reflection Points; References; 8 Why Training Is Not Improving the Police Response to Sexual Violence Against Women: A Glimpse into the 'Black Box' of Police Training; Introduction; Training as the Solution?; Understanding Police Training in Practice; Handing Down the Craft; Insulation from Academic Evidence and Scrutiny; Reproducing Localised Organisational Procedure; The Status of Training Within the Organisation; Police-Academic Co-production of SOIT Training

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