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1 Introduction: Incorporation of National Universities as Governance Reforms
Part I Different Paths toward Neoliberal Governance
2 Incorporation of National University in Japan under New Public Management
3 Halfway toward incorporating national universities in Korea
4 Paradigm shift of higher education governance in China
5 Taiwanese struggle in university governance reforms: The case of incorporations
6 The evolution of corporatization of public universities in Malaysia
Part II Institutional and Cultural Changes under Neoliberalism
7 Changes in governance and finance at Japanese national universities
8 Incorproation of a National University in Korea: The case of Seoul National University
9 The Neoliberalism Reform under the Legacy of Planned Economy: The Peking University case
10 Institutional change in the iron cage: A case study in Taiwan
11 How a century-old family-like university responds to the neoliberal agenda: The case of National University of Tainan
12 Corporatization of a Public University: From collegial culture to bureaucratic and corporate culture
Part III Changing patterns of governance and institutional performance
13 Changing patterns of higher education governance from academics perspective funder neoliberalism: Global and East Asian perspectives
14 Does governance or culture matter? Empirical analysis from Korean universities
15 Declining Academic Autonomy under Neoliberal Reforms: Lessons from Japanese higher education after incorporation
16 Conclusion: The transformation of higher education governance in East Asia under Neoliberalism.

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